
A better idea than GTA;

Started by January 24, 2025 08:42 AM
9 comments, last by Black_Berry 3 weeks, 6 days ago


...You're a little alien blob thing, who's stuck here on earth after crashing and getting caught, and now you're locked in a cage, being displayed to the public, and being experimented on…

and nobody is ever nice to you at all…

Until one day they forget to lock your cage, and so you sneak out, and straight into a bin to hide!

Where you find that luck is on your side this time, because right beside you is a trenchcoat and a set of those glasses with the plastic nose attached!

So now you're free to roam the streets! ...provided that the general public, or the increasingly large/organised/aggressive search for you doesn't catch on to who you really are....…

Which really would be handy if they didn't, because you are just a blob (though you're still capable of driving and all that), and you have quite the task ahead of you;

You've got to find your way back home! And that is going to require your space ship!

...which unfortunately has been reduced to peices and sent to many different places unknown top secret places... and some of the peices won't be found at all as they've been destroyed... so they're going to have to be customly crafted, and this is going to take a bunch of different materials and tools... and you're also going to have to make the fuel for it yourself, which ain't easy even back home…

So a rather daunting task is ahead of you…

But then, after drinking a redbull or something, you realise that you now at will have the power to transform into a monster(s)!

(these monster(s) looks kinda funny, and are really customisable by the player! and even more so as you progress thoroughout the game, and find things around the map that can be used to increase you power! ...Maybe you can even get as big as Godzilla towards the end of the game!?)

So now you're not just stuck as a blob in a disguise anymore! now you got Power!

So on with the mission!

(or maybe you instead just want to see how long you can last! or how much destruction you can cause before they get you! or if you have the skill to blow up the dam without transforming at all, or whatever! or maybe you want to free all the animals from their sub par zoo (Moo Deng can be found there), so they can roam the streets with you! or whatever! That's all cool too!)

(The game is fully destructable randomly generated Roguelike (that means when you die you have to start the entire game again, on a shuffled up map, keeping nothing but that which you have learnt..)!)

(And would be jammed packed with twice as much fun stuff to play around with (without the constraints that come with aiming to be really realistic that GTA has) than any other game like it!)

This game idea is both amazing and a little worrying, lol. I can already tell the blob in the trenchcoat is gonna make me laugh. Love it. But I dunno about the roguelike part.

Games are my code, fun is my goal. 66EZ


Not game design. Moving to the Lounge, although even that's a stretch.

@undefined How is it not a game design?

What detail do you want?

Mahmarr said:

This game idea is both amazing and a little worrying, lol. I can already tell the blob in the trenchcoat is gonna make me laugh. Love it. But I dunno about the roguelike part.

You would prefer a proper lengthy story instead of the Roguelike?

How could you do that and still have the game be about massive destruction?

(….in this game, information could work like a check point…. Ie, once you've done the work to find where they're keeping parts of your ship, if you die, you don't need to do that again as you now already know it)

Well… Sounds a lot like Jack 2 outlaw. You should play it, it's a very good game made by Naughty Dog


I drew a picture of Blob punching me;

From description up until this point, I envisioned a soft body lump of goo instead of Pepe. Had more humorous appeal. Despite the interaction with industry terminology, I like your ideas. Press on fren.

Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.

The monster(s) appearance is very customisable, and that drawing could have been better, but they will all have those funny Pepe lips!

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