
Relationship between resolution and polygon count

Started by September 20, 2024 08:27 PM
26 comments, last by JoeJ 3 months, 1 week ago

Without starting a flame war how much TAA do you tihnk i need?

Counting high poly shadows I'm at 6.57 billion, without lasers and particles.

Gonna try to count my Lasers… Luckily im blessed with Autism so it'll take some time

Any comment on this or is it impossible with the new number? Like i've said it's without culling and lods…

Newgamemodder said:
Without starting a flame war how much TAA do you tihnk i need?

There is no ‘how much TAA’. There only is TAA on or off.
Tried to make this clear with the last post.
But ofc. we can have higher and lower quality implenentations. Unreal typically exposes a setting to the player.

Newgamemodder said:
Counting high poly shadows I'm at 6.57 billion, without lasers and particles.

So you have just doubled your polys because they now also go into a shadow map of a single light?
This may make sense for the sun, but in genreal:
Lights usually have a finite range of influence (unlike real world lights, which affect infinite distance). So we can cull much more aggressively for SMs than for the camera.
Rendering SMs is MUCH cheaper also becasue it needs no materials or shading.
We do not need to update each SM for every frame. If there was no movement within their range, no need to update.
Some games even do SM reprojection to compensate movement errors of SMs updated at lower frequency.

So there are a lot of opportunities to optimize, which make more or less sense depending on the game.
It's like that for pretty much anything. Thus we can't answer questions liek ‘can i do 6B polys for a game?’. It depends on the tech and content you are using.

Newgamemodder said:
Gonna try to count my Lasers… Luckily im blessed with Autism so it'll take some time

Counting triangles on paper is a bad investment of time.

Designing games only on paper an your imagination is a bad investment of time.
They are made from code and assets, not from vague expectations and imaginary goals.

You could try to import your models into UE to see how that works, for example.


Thanks for the all the help JoeJ!

I know you said the count is a bad investment of time but im at 7 billion now with projectiles (but there will be culling of meshes, Lods and “aggresive” culling of shadows as you mentioned) :D

Lets just hope its possible :P

Sorry for the bump. I know you said it was a wasted investment joej but now im up at 11 billion triangles. Is this still possible since i'll use lods, culling and the shadows are “cullable” to a certain point

Newgamemodder said:
Is this still possible since i'll use lods, culling and the shadows are “cullable” to a certain point

Hmm, let's see… You double the amount of triangles every few days. And then you ask again if this is possible.

At this point i should just say no, it's not possible anymore, so you eventually break the cycle. Honestly.

But the technical answer remains: It depends. Try to import your stuff into Unreal and see how it works. They came much closer to the unlimited detail promise than anybody else so far, and anybody can use their engine. Then you see if it is possible or not. It's that easy. Why not? You do not have any content yet? Or you tried but could not figure out how? (The latter happened to me, btw.)

Sorry about the constant adding of triangles Joej

The reason i don't use unreal is because i don't know if the game company will use it in a new game or their own engine + mesh shaders. Also cause i don't have some assets like you said…

Like i said before the reason i want to ask this question is i don't know what is possible or not


So you have no content, no experience, no knowledge. Why do you think the company would pay attention to your ideas? They won't.

Game dev is hard. So you have to take the hard route. Which is: Model some spaceships in Blender, learn how to use game engines. Learn some programming, etc. You don't need to do all of this, but without valuable contribution on at least one thing, nobody will care about your idea.

It's not triangle limits which hold you back. It's about getting started for real, or not.

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