@taby what I meant is that my opinion is that clozapine is probably one of the worst anti psychotic medicines out there and should only be used as a last resort. I got a bit fed up because I just had to debate with my psychiatrist who was like “what's the problem of doing weekly bloodwork and facing a huge list of side effects as long as you stay away from the hospital?” How about my quality of life outside the hospital, how about drowsiness and weight gain?
So here's the deal, this kind of research is toxic in my humble opinion as she will probably quote it next time. And I am not attacking you in any way for being part of it, I just thing it's not the kind of research which will actually improve our lives.
There's tons of anti antipsychotics now and I believe a doctor who prescribes clozapine because seroquel (quetiapine on this side of the pond) is not working properly it's plain dumb. Seroquel turns into an antipsychotic only after a certain threshold of dosage, otherwise it's just an anti depressant.
Comparing two medicines in this area of research is just dumb. Every brain is different and that's why you usually go through all of them before landing on clozapine. I am pretty sure it's common sense knowledge that some antipsychotic will work wonders on someone while having the opposite effect on someone else.
About suicides, there's plenty of patients who commit suicide because of the accumulated side effects of medicines, not because “they are crazy”.
I mean no offense to no one, it's just my personal opinion.
As an advice for you @taby , ask about monthly injectables, those keep people out of the hospital even more and can have a lot softer side effects. Also look into the medical keto diet, for some people with schizophrenia it does wonders after 3-6 months of medical ketosis. Then again if clozapine is you cup of tea and keeps you afloat with no side effects that's great for you but I am pretty sure you are a rare happy case.
I'm sure there's should be plenty of avenues around a mental illness before picking a medicine invented 60 years ago…