
The impossible mission of 1 pixel thick lines GL_LINES

Started by August 30, 2024 09:45 PM
35 comments, last by Aybe One 5 months, 3 weeks ago

Basically, I wanted to draw a waveform like Sound Forge or Wavelab does, 1 pixel thick:

You can't get this with Bresenham, instead, you only draw vertical lines with this logic:

if (max < next.Min)
max = next.Min;

if (min > next.Max)
min = next.Max;

So far, this work on a good old 2D surface, but with OpenGL it ended up being an impossible mission…

Wrote a small program to try understand this insanity and inferred the following:

// Lines EXACTLY 1 pixel thick, with or without MSAA:
// 1x1 square:
// X1 = 10.0
// Y1 = 10.0
// X2 = 11.0
// Y2 = 11.0
// 2x1 horizontal:
// X1 = 20.0
// Y1 = 20.5
// X2 = 22.0
// Y2 = 20.5
// 1x2 vertical:
// X1 = 30.5
// Y1 = 30.0
// X2 = 30.5
// Y2 = 32.0
// 2x2 diagonal:
// X1 = 40.0
// Y1 = 40.0
// X2 = 42.0
// Y2 = 42.0

This works but that's theory, reality is different. Turns out it's impossible to get 1 pixel thick lines working all the time.

Wrote another test program:


Notice how the 2nd line end pixel isn't green…

If you make the line 1.1 pixel wide!, you get green although it's not the end color…

Also, you simply cannot use GL_LINES, you must use GL_LINESTRIP else you have empty lines:

But then GL_LINESTRIP thickness isn't even, unless one goes 4K it's noticeable:

Trying to enable MSAA simply moves the problem somewhere else + free artifacts.

Tried tons of things:

  • adding +/-0.5 offsets, turns out for Y axis it's a no go
  • ensuring a Y1 ≠ Y2 so that lines are always visible, not good overall
  • wrote a shader that ‘undo’ MSAA pixels, it works but to some extent only
  • wrote a 2D surface that does Bresenham with Burst, works, is fast but chokes on 4K…
  • looked at rasterization rules GL and DX (hey I just wanted to draw lines)

What have we become? We have RTX 4050 my ass but can't instruct it to draw precise 2D lines!!??

Can do that in QBASIC in like 30 seconds, it just works...

I am not crazy, right? Or am I?

Any clues are welcome, thanks!

Sorry, I screwed the title and can't change it…

The site too drove me crazy, it wouldn't let me type, had to copy paste, cleared cookies, it finally worked…


Two things, or maybe just one and a consequence.

OpenGL follows a “diamond exit” rule for line rasterizing. The pixel area is considered with an internal diamond and the line must leave it to be drawn. This helps with smooth transitions between line segments.

The second or follow up is that the last pixel is not drawn. It never leaves the diamond.

Drawing lots of short lines can all stay inside the pixel area and never be drawn. Drawing line strips are treated as a longer, continuous line and the pieces do exit the diamonds.

Another “read the specifications carefully” note is that line width other than one is not guaranteed to be implemented, and the implementation details have similar subtle details like handling of line end caps and miters at joints. For thick lines your own quads may be better, as well as shapes for end caps and miters.

Enjoy the learning.

Aybe One said:
But then GL_LINESTRIP thickness isn't even, unless one goes 4K it's noticeable:

You could render at higher resolution and sample it down for higher quality.
You could keep resolution but use TAA.
Double resolution + MSAA + downsampling should give high quality.

Or you could use a compute shader to do whatever you want, including analytical anti aliasing.

Or you could try a library like OpenVG which would care about it all, but idk about widespread GPU support.

Aybe One said:

Afaik Bresenham does not support subpixel accuracy. Use DDA instead.

Assuming you don't need a depth test, you could do the AA cheaply with alpha blending. But then you need to generate a ‘thick’ mesh, turning each line segment into a quad (which is tricky on high curvature due to self intersections):

I've drawn the alpha texture in one quad. Grey means opaque and white means transparent. I guess a width of 2 or 3 texels would give a good compromise between smoothness and sharpness.

I ran a small test on my PC. So understand that if glLineWidth = 1.0, then you have a line that could be intersecting up to two pixels to the left and right. Imagine a vertical line between pixel 0 and pixel 1, and the lines x value is 0.5, that means the width of rasterization is 2, while the line is 1 pixel thick.

Anyway I looked into this a bit and determined that glLineWidth = .75 or so may help get closer to what you want. I made a program where you press a key (pause for 1 second so you can see exactly one iteration). Each iteration subtract 0.05 value from line width and see how it looks. Not certain you will still be happy. Anything under .7 for me starts to drop pixels because the line isn't thick enough at certain locations to be encroaching close enough to a pixel center.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims



I think top here was about 0.8 and bottom was 1.0.



NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Also, this is how Audacity looks. This is the most zoomed in you can get. This looks pretty weird with many dimples.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

Thanks guys, you gave me motivation to tackle it, hopefully for good this time! 🥳

I think I've finally been able to reverse line-strip effects (shotgun debugging 😁):

No tinting so it's easy to compare:

Showing the region processed, would be stipples or nothing before:

If you look closely, it even fills holes that line-strip simply ignores.

The code:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Tests.WaveformGL
    public sealed class GLTest : MonoBehaviour
        public Camera Camera;

        public bool CameraMSAA;

        public float[] Data = Array.Empty<float>();

        public Material Material;

        public Color Color1 = Color.gray;

        public Color Color2 =;

        public bool LineStrip;

        public bool SubPixelEnabled;

        public float SubPixelThreshold = 1.0f;

        public bool SubPixelTinting;

        private void Update()
            Camera.allowMSAA = CameraMSAA;

        private void OnEnable()




            void InitializeMaterial()
                if (Material == null)
                    Material = new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/Internal-Colored"))
                        hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave

            void InitializeListener() // goes off on assembly reload
                var listener = GetComponent<AudioListener>();

                listener.enabled = false;

                // ReSharper disable once Unity.InefficientPropertyAccess
                listener.enabled = true;

            void InitializeCamera()
                if (Camera != null)

                var main = Camera.main;

                if (main == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                Camera = main;

        private void OnDestroy()


            void CleanupMaterial()
                if (Material == null)


                Material = null!;

        private void OnGUI()
            GUILayout.Label(LineStrip ? "Line Strip" : "Custom");

        private void OnAudioFilterRead(float[] data, int channels)
            if (Data.Length != data.Length)
                Data = data.ToArray();

            data.CopyTo(Data, 0);

        private void OnRenderObject()



            GL.Begin(LineStrip ? GL.LINE_STRIP : GL.LINES);

            var length = Mathf.Min(Data.Length, Screen.width);

            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
                var x = i + 0.5f;

                var yThis = GetY(Data[i]);

                var yNext = i < length - 1 ? GetY(Data[i + 1]) : yThis;

                var sub = Mathf.Abs(yNext - yThis) < SubPixelThreshold;

                GL.Color(sub && SubPixelTinting && !LineStrip ? Color2 : Color1);

                if (LineStrip)
                    GL.Vertex3(x, yThis, 0);
                    if (sub && SubPixelEnabled)
                        yThis = Snapping.Snap(yThis, 1.0f);

                        var less = yThis < yNext;

                        yThis = Mathf.Floor(yThis);

                        yNext = yThis + (less ? +1.0f : -1.0f);

                        if (yNext < 0.0f)
                            yNext += 1.0f;
                            yThis += 1.0f;

                    GL.Vertex3(x, yThis, 0.0f);
                    GL.Vertex3(x, yNext, 0.0f);




            float GetY(float f)
                return (0.5f + 0.5f * f) * Screen.height;

Basically, very simple math even I can afford.

I still have to test ratio > 1:1 but this particular 1:1 case now works while it didn't so it's quite promising.

If you can spot anything wrong, that'd be much appreciated! 🙂

Thanks! 🙂

Just noticed there have been more replies… Sorry, I should have refreshed page before posting!

Forgot to mention:

As it's under Unity, it's the most basic GL implementation one can think of:

So, no line width, no points, etc…

And obviously, no extensions either, like this VK one that apparently solves the problem:

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