Title since the forum doesn’t allow change or deletion: Should snapshot delta packet always contain all Entities in view (and Components) or only those that have changed.
Understand the delta should only contain changes — makes sense.
However, if a snapshot delta no longer contains some component x, how does the client know if it’s because there is no state change or because the server removed the component? Same for entities, an entity may just not have any state change over the last few ticks, or, it may have been destroyed on the server, perhaps it was killed but we missed that state update.
Now, of course I could use a separate command system to relay key entity or component events e.g. entity x destroyed/spawned, etc., but that seems like overkill if it could be handled implicitly via state updates. I could also send all (in view) entity ID’s and component types in any given snapshot delta even if the corresponding components are zero'd out (no change).
P2 -- standing in view of P1 -- goes AFK for a few seconds and so the last x snapshots for P1 didn't contain the P2 entity. P1 doesn't know if P2 is dead and so it’s entity needs destroying, or it's actually just doing nothing. The reverse is also true, I.e. P2 could have been killed and the server destroyed that entity, but P1 missed the state update that indicated the death.