Hi everyone,
I have a sequential impulse solver. When I have a box collide to the ground, I notice that there is a small velocity occurring when two boxes collide. One of the boxes being ground with inverse-mass = 0, and the other being a regular box. Gravity was set to 9.81 m/s^2.
I was expecting the box's linear and angular velocity to be zero, but it just ends up being a really small value, which bothers me since I want it to be stationary. I have a feeling there is a mistake being made here, but not sure where I'm going wrong. Would appreciate a second pair of eyes to help me, or some tips on how to debug.
f32 solveConstraint(RigidBody* body1, RigidBody* body2, vec3 i1, vec3 i2, vec3 j1, vec3 j2) {
dot(i1, body1->linearVel) +
dot(i2, body1->angularVel) +
dot(j1, body2->linearVel) +
dot(j2, body2->angularVel);
void computeAndUpdateByFriction(Contact* contact, RigidBody* body1, RigidBody* body2, vec3 tangent, f32& Pt) {
vec3 raXt1 = cross(contact->relContactPoint1, tangent);
vec3 rbXt1 = cross(contact->relContactPoint2, tangent);
f32 tangentConstraint = solveConstraint(body1, body2, -tangent, -raXt1, tangent, rbXt1);
f32 effectiveMassTangent1 = body1->inverseMass + body2->inverseMass
+ dot(-raXt1, body1->worldInverseInertia * (-raXt1))
+ dot(rbXt1, body2->worldInverseInertia * (rbXt1));
f32 frictionLambdaDelta = (-tangentConstraint / effectiveMassTangent1);
f32 Pt0 = Pt;
Pt = glm::clamp(Pt0 + frictionLambdaDelta, -contact->contactPointMass, contact->contactPointMass);
frictionLambdaDelta = Pt - Pt0;
vec3 frictionVec = tangent * frictionLambdaDelta;
body1->linearVel -= body1->inverseMass * frictionVec;
body1->angularVel -= body1->worldInverseInertia * (raXt1 * frictionLambdaDelta);
body2->linearVel += body2->inverseMass * frictionVec;
body2->angularVel += body2->worldInverseInertia * (rbXt1 * frictionLambdaDelta);
void ApplyImpulse(Contact* contact, RigidBody* body1, RigidBody* body2, f32 deltaTime, int iteration) {
// constrant contact, need to constraing bodies so the velocity and angular velocity no longer penetrate
// Use some extra energy to push the colliders apart
vec3 raXn = cross(contact->relContactPoint1, contact->normal);
vec3 rbXn = cross(contact->relContactPoint2, contact->normal);
f32 separatingSpeed = dot((-body1->linearVel - cross(body1->angularVel, contact->relContactPoint1) + body2->linearVel + cross(body2->angularVel, contact->relContactPoint2)), contact->normal);
f32 penetrationDepth = contact->penetration;
f32 const allowedPenetration = 0.001f;
f32 const restitutionSlop = 0.05f;
f32 const baumgarteTerm = 0.1f;
f32 b = (glm::max(0.0f, penetrationDepth - allowedPenetration) * baumgarteTerm * ( 1.0f / deltaTime));
b += contact->restitution * glm::max(separatingSpeed - 0.05f, 0.0f);
f32 constraintVal = dot(-1.0f * contact->normal, body1->linearVel) +
dot(-1.0f * raXn, body1->angularVel) +
dot(contact->normal, body2->linearVel) +
dot(rbXn, body2->angularVel) + b;
f32 constraintVal = -separatingSpeed + b;
// calculate effective mass JM^-1J^T
f32 effectiveMass = (body1->inverseMass) + (body2->inverseMass);
effectiveMass += dot(-raXn, (body1->worldInverseInertia * (-raXn)));
effectiveMass += dot(rbXn, (body2->worldInverseInertia * rbXn));
f32 deltaLambda = constraintVal / effectiveMass;
f32 Pn0 = contact->Pn;
contact->Pn = glm::max(0.0f, Pn0 + deltaLambda);
deltaLambda = contact->Pn - Pn0;
// calculate deltaV = M^-1 * J * Lambda
vec3 contactNormalLambda = contact->normal * deltaLambda;
// DrawArrowC(contact->relContactPoint1, -contact->normal, vec3(deltaLambda));
body1->linearVel -= body1->inverseMass * contactNormalLambda;
body1->angularVel -= body1->worldInverseInertia * (raXn * deltaLambda);
body2->linearVel += body2->inverseMass * contactNormalLambda;
body2->angularVel += body2->worldInverseInertia * (rbXn * deltaLambda);
// friction calculation
computeAndUpdateByFriction(contact, body1, body2, contact->tangent1, contact->Pt1);
computeAndUpdateByFriction(contact, body1, body2, contact->tangent2, contact->Pt2);
The velocities (samples):
Body 0 :: Velocity: (-0.000166105, -1.88632e-06, 8.73014e-05), Avel: (3.46468e-06, 7.21794e-05, -4.87758e-07)
Body 0 :: Velocity: (-0.000166063, -2.20508e-06, 8.72632e-05), Avel: (3.62967e-06, 7.21843e-05, -3.53976e-07)
Body 0 :: Velocity: (-0.000166246, -2.49605e-06, 8.70451e-05), Avel: (4.30431e-06, 7.21454e-05, -1.0112e-06)
Body 0 :: Velocity: (-0.000166064, -2.05297e-06, 8.73081e-05), Avel: (3.53673e-06, 7.21999e-05, -4.3973e-07)