
Linux and Windows Time

Started by December 19, 2001 10:50 PM
5 comments, last by Floppy 22 years, 9 months ago
Well, this isn''t absolutely important (since I don''t use Windows that much anymore), but nevertheless I am one of those dual-boot people. My question is how can I get Windows and Linux time in sync. My Linux clock is set to the current time where I live, but when I boot into Windows the clock jumps ahead 7 hours. For example, now it is 9:45 PM where I live and Linux displays that, but Windows will display 4:45 AM. I think I have an idea about what the problem is: I live in the US Mountain time zone so it is 7 hours from GMT; kind of strange how the time the clocks are off is the same time the mountain time zone is for GMT. Well, I have both OS''s on mountain time. If I change the clock to the right time in Windows the Linux clock is upset by a +7 hours. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I''m not sure how to change this, but there''s some setting that tells Linux to save the time (to the motherboard) each time it shuts down. You (or whoever made your distro, if they didn''t give you an option ) probably set the option to write in GMT instead of local time. The only reason I know about this is because Slackware asks which method to save the time in, I have no idea how to change it . Hopefully someone else will be more knowledgable about this .

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I think I did set my time to GMT since I thought I had read somewhere that the ability to handle daylight savings time can only be done with GMT and not local time. I''m not sure whether or not this is true. I''ll search to see if there is some little console program that will fix this.
weird. Don't both Linux and Windows get their time from the REAL TIME CLOCK in the BIOS? I fail to see how one OS's clock affects the other

Edited by - KwamiMatrix on December 19, 2001 12:56:05 AM
Edem Attiogbe
It''s really strange. I think it has something to do with Windows using local time and Linux using GMT time. Is there a way to make them both GMT or both local?
Under Windows, you can right click on the time in the Startbar and click Adjust Date/Time. It allows you to modify your time zone, among other things.

Both Linux and Windows get their time for the system clock, so any discrepancies must be due to software options. Try typing man time and man clock to see what Linux has to say.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!

I found out what to do at this website:

I had to edit my /etc/sysconfig/clock to make it not use GMT (or UTC; they're the same thing).

Yeah, my time is in sync now; HOORAY!!!!

Edited by - Floppy on December 20, 2001 7:57:32 PM

Edited by - Floppy on December 20, 2001 7:57:49 PM

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