i've had enough of modern big tech technology, everything seems like some big brother spyware or adware fest.
i download visual studio code because the regular visual studio doesn't have intellsense with unity and all the tutorials said i need visual studio code for snippets and code colors and autocomplete. now visual studio code is installing some razor telemetry spyware crap. according to the internet there is no way to delete it.
vs codium is an alternative. apparently vs codium has telemetry and the people who coded it do not know how to remove the telemetry.
all the unity experts just say to download vs code and 0 of them warn of the telemetry problem. i feel dissatisfied with how 0 experts on reddit warn people about vs code telemetry and i feel this reflects on the tech community as a whole.
vs code is good software and free hence too good to be true, how else do they gain from this software unless they spy on people? you either pay for the product or you are the product.
i copy paste others code snippets from the internet. who's to say big corporation Ai doesnt read all your code and steal your code. of all the times u copy pasted other peoples code how can you say with certainty they wont steal your code. right now its not an issue for me since i didnt put any great original code into it yet but what if someday i do and they steal my code and they get rich while paying me 0 dollars.
ive seen an alternative called Rider but i dont know if it has telemetry or not, search engine gives results about motorcycle telemtry. i need a code editor for unity that doesnt have telemetry.