Codename - Arcadia
OK, I asked the question : "what game would you create, if you wouldn''t care about money & skills, and you would have compeletly free hands", at GDLOUDGE, and during the same time I told my weirdest and funniest ideas. One of this ideas was Arcade Hall - simulation, where player creates working Arcade Hall, ala THEME games / RCT. After getting lots of emails about this idea, I started to make this game just for fun (it''s kind of "Sunday project", with no serious attitude
It''s not going to be really complicated, and it doesn''t have even "world" which player could see, but more like statics and windows (ala Starwars - Supremency... or whatever, I cannot remember US name , but at sametime it will have graphics to describe happenings
I''m going to release this game as freeware with sources, and right now I''m creating short design documentations. Propably this game is also going for opensource- production when I''m getting first version out. I would like to hear feedback about this game, and so I posted design docs with this message
1. Idea
Build own working arcade hall, get money, get placed on "world-top halls" list, buy new better hall places (more people etc.) and... have a fun
2. Games
There are three main types of games in this game, that are:
Pinballs (Indiana Jones PB, Star Trek PB, and so on)
Arcade''s / Coin Op''s (Virtua Fighter 1&2&3, Ridge Racer etc.)
Other games (Megazone/Laserzone, pool, money games, prize games)
Also player can buy different kinds of entertaiments, like televisions, video cannons, drink machines, and so on.
Games can be modified and upgraded, as rides in Roller Coaster Tycoon. Some attributes / modifications are:
Skill level (easy, normal, hard, ultrahard... Or slider with values 1 to 10 or 1 to 100)
Prize per game ($.25, $.5, $1, free, ticket (which can be manipulated too), and credits).
Maximum time / game (free, 1min, 2min, 3min, 5min, 10min, 30min, 60min)
Normal / bootleg version (Just an idea, but when it comes
to how to use in the game, I don''t know)
Networking option (Networking between games)
Toplist option (under this, player can check toplists, and erase old lists if he feels so)
Upgrades (example: Player has Sega Rally, but he can upgrade it with force feedback feature
Also player can check this information:
What players think about the game ?
How much has the game made profit (+) ?
How much has the game taken money (-) ?
What condition are the controls ?
How many times has the game been played ?
How old the game is ?
3. Workers
Player can hire workers to do jobs automatically, and faster than player. Workers have different skills & attributes, that tell how good job worker can do with the job.
This attributes are :
Serving / Money exhange - If this attribute is bad, the worker might ask from player "err... how much should I give back .25 cents if this client want''s to change $20 bill ?", and of course this makes player mad. The effect is similar to "WHATSUP" guy in Baldurs Gate, who asks stupid questions all the time, and causes the game to pause always when he asks something
Fixing, machinery - Better the skill is, lower the cost of repair is, and lower the time of fixing is.
Cleaning - Good cleaning skill causes the hall to become more popular
Guarding - Good guarding skill prevents more machinery breaks, lowers the violence level, and prevents crimes.
Motivation - Good motivation makes person to work harder, but bad motivation causes the person to just screw around and play games
Hmm... That''s pretty much what I have made up, I would like to hear new ideas and LOTS OF FEEDBACK
And sorry if I''m breaking this forum rules, I DO NOT KNOW if this kind of big & long design document messages are welcome, I would also like to hear feedback about that
I just simply make up a link, because I''m using school machinery and they don''t allow FTP sends of any server... sux.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, that I would like to hear also ideas about techical side, and mathematical side... How does the "players/clients" AI work (basically, how does new coin''op effect money income and so on...)
I''m sure this idea is foremost on everyone''s mind when they think about it, but how about being able to play some of the games? You could ask people to make little games (PacMac clones, Tetris clones, mabye originals) and possibly plug them in (somehow...). I think this would add a lot of appeal--but maybe it''s not worth the programming effort. If you wanted to get really complex, you could find a way to be able to expand the selection you could play.
Just a suggestion, no matter how silly...
Just a suggestion, no matter how silly...
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