
Looking for some issues regarding validation layer errors related to "D3D12_QUERY-TIMESTAMP"

Started by January 12, 2024 02:10 AM
0 comments, last by Photon23 1 year, 1 month ago

In "DirectX Specs", it is introduced that "D3D12_QUERY-TYPE-TIMESTAMP" only supports endQuery types, but in the validation layer, it is necessary to check that BeginXXX/EndQuery appears in pairs. Using only the TIMESTAMP type of EndQuery will cause errors in the validation layer. I am a novice and this is a confusing problem for me. I would like to know more about this. Thank you

When using only endQuery in excuteCMDList, the validation layer will pop up the following error:

D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists: Cannot Resolve query that has never been performed for Index [2] in QueryHeap (0x000001F22C1DCF50:'GpuTimeStamp QueryHeap') in command list (0x000001F22B46A850:'CommandList'). [ EXECUTION ERROR #1319: RESOLVE_QUERY_INVALID_QUERY_STATE]

Introduction to Queries in DirectX Specs:

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