
Topocentric horizon system - reference frame

Started by January 08, 2024 01:33 PM
2 comments, last by Sword7 1 year, 1 month ago

Does anyone have any information about topocentric horizon system that convert local vector to local planetocentric coordinate for walking, driving, etc. at horizon level? I need to create topocentric horizon reference frame formula for OpenGL right-handed coordinate system.

I found some information on my “Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Student” book, but it showed Z points up (ENU frame). I need to switch Z and Y vectors for OpenGL coordinates in right-handed rule. Does anyone have separating matrices each axis before combining three matrices together? Also, I found some information through google but they use ENU frame (Z points up).

Also does anyone have any information about creating camera direction matrix from phi (yaw) and theta (pitch) radians/degrees and apply it to horizon reference frame matrix for local planetocentric coordinates (view matrix)?

No one answered mine. I realized to have to explain more specific…

I am using geocentric coordinate from equatorial coordinate (longitude and latitude) with altitude from (0, 0, 0). Z points to me (in right-handed rule). It is working perfect.

inline glm::dvec3 getGeocentric(double lat, double lng, double rad)
    double slat = sin(lat), clat = cos(lat);
    double slng = sin(lng), clng = cos(lng);
    double xz = rad * clat;

    return { xz*clng, rad*slat, xz*-slng };

I need horizon reference frame (rotation matrix) to make camera to point to horizon level where north pole is from equatorial coordinate (longitude and latitude). Then I can rotate camera direction around and move it to other location. I quoted that from DirectX code because DirectX uses left-handed rule. I need to convert to right-handed rule.

go.lng = lng; = lat;

double clng = cos(lng), slng = -sin(lng);
double clat = cos(lat), slat = sin(lat);
go.R = { clng*slat, clng*clat, -slng,
        -clat,      slat,       0,
         slng*slat, slng*clat,  clng };

That did not work because it did not point to horizon level at zero heading as default. It looks like left-handed rule. I tried to negate longtitude for right-handed rule, but it did not work. It still did not point to horizon level. I need right-handed rule version of horizon frame. I ended up looking down to ground instead of horizon level. When I brought camera up, but it was not at level (tilted off 20-30 degrees).

// camera direction
go.phi   = glm::radians(150); // 150 degrees heading
go.theta = pi/2.0; // point to horizon level

// Calculating local horizon frame camera coordinates
double cphi =   cos(go.phi),   sphi = -sin(go.phi);
double ctheta = cos(go.theta), stheta = sin(go.theta);
cam.rrot = { cphi,  sphi*stheta, -sphi*ctheta,
             0.0,   ctheta,       stheta,
             sphi, -cphi*stheta,  cphi*ctheta };

lrot = go.R * cam.rrot; // with horizon ref frame
grot = s0.R * lrot;     // with rotating planet

Note: go = ground observer structure with equatorial coordinates (longitude and latitude), altitude, etc. It still did not work because it did not point to horizon level at 150 degrees heading. It still points to ground 20-30 degrees down and off course from 150 heading. But that is left-handed rule from DirectX code. I need right-handed rule.


I now found a bug in view matrix updates because it uses wrong local rotation instead of global rotation. I fixed it done. Camera direction is now working fine but still need to work on horizon frame matrix.

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