krumpet291 said:
I'm not aware of many FPSes which use a Lost Vikings style mechanic
Ha, this game always keeps in my mind too. With all that character centrism in modern games, sadly they mostly miss out on actual character interactions. Reason surely is the inflexibility and limitations from working with static animation data.
RmbRT said:
An AI would probably have to touch a hot stove a million or a billion times, lol.
You're way too optimistic. It will eat us for breakfast. : )
RmbRT said:
And since AI is fundamentally not based on reason, but on massive amounts of data that it doesn't naturally encounter unless specifically fed into it, the impressiveness of AI is capped at the amount of data we humans generate.
Same applies to toddlers.
RmbRT said:
Since humans rarely generate anything of quality, AI can mostly only access data that is garbage, like social media content.
It's not true that all other humans are dumb, and just you are the exception.
That's a very common misinterpretation of reality. I suffer from it too. : )
RmbRT said:
AI never even learned to reason. ChatGPT often lies to you, and will make up fake reasons to support its claim, until you ask it about details of its claims and really dig in, then it answers with the complete opposite, sometimes even “apologising”, lol.
Yes, but notice: The ability to realize and admit a mistake, beside the ability to communicate all this in natural language, is already more than impressive.
Usually humans build up an imagination of safety by stating: 'AI lacks consciousness. It's not alive.'
I put your argument of ‘AI can not reason’ in the same folder.
But nothing of this matters. All that matters is what AI can actually do.
Currently it passes university exams and it also competes humans in programming exercises.
Altman claims current ChatGPT wip has the general intelligence of a 4 years old.
A 4 year old who passes university exams.
Where will we be in 5 years?
This is not like bitcoin, NFTs, or metaverse. This is no made up crap from desperate tech CEOs. This is real and serious, and it will change the world, maybe much more than the internet did.
RmbRT said:
PoE actually needs resolution downscaling even in the beginner town on my machine, lol. They massively messed up something, not sure what
Have not played it, but i doubt they mess things up. Their gfx lead dev is one of the best across the whole industry, it seems.
… you have to upgrade … :D
RmbRT said:
I think that any consumer software that requires more than 4GiB of RAM is just an indication of the developer's mental incontinence:
Wut? Fucking Windows already eats those 4GB just to run AI copilot, Cortana, tracking and spyware, sniffing while tickling trojans, indexing HD, breaking out of infinite loops caused from security patches, and saying ‘Hello! we have great things to do while setting up our - oops, YOUr computer!’ with screen filling letters.
I've already downloaded some Linux isos to see if that's better…
But to be serious, my requested minimum specs are higher than yours. At least PS4, and Series S feels ideal.
I believe the future is APUs, dGPUs are EOL to consumers.
We won't have a job, we won't own much, so a little box with compute power exceeding phones is all we'll can hope for.
That's the ideal case. The worst case is no more boxes for the masses at all - just plug your phone to the cloud to enjoy the same one and only server side path traced MMO everybody else is playing too.
RmbRT said:
When I started watching Casey Muratori's or Jonathan Blow's videos on software performance, it really sank in how ridiculously inefficient software is nowadays. All the architectural abstractions that sit between the work to be done and what the user's commands are, and memory fragmentation and cache misses, etc., are massively slowing everything down probably on multiple orders of magnitude.
Multiple orders of magnitude? How much exactly? No one knows?
The reason of why nobody knows is simple: Modern software is much more complex than PacMan. To get it done at all, we have to sacrifice some performance for progress and maintainability. Do you code in Assembly or C++? It's C++? Then don't point with fingers at others.
(Usually it's me doing all the rant, but if innocent people need some help, i can't resist) :D
Currently there's a lot of critique on games and their performance. But when i try them, they mostly run well for what they do. I'm impressed. It's not fair to call them out lazy devs or greedy CEOs. Back in the 90s games were more exciting than now, yes. But back then everything was new. The rise of 3D, cheap consoles having batter gfx than Arcade games, etc. They don't have any of this today.
And if i compare games technically, character controllers, physics, etc., modern games are actually much better. They know what they do.
I really think the only problem is that they all target the same player, which is an statistical average. But the average does not fit anyone. So nobody is really happy with the averaged games we get.
But see, they already react: There are lay offs, studios close entirely. They are in a process to reformulate themselves, hopefully making smaller studios and smaller games, but targeting only a specific niche of players. This way, in the end every niche will be happy again. I'm optimistic.
RmbRT said:
My ideology is not even compatible with modern mathematics. I reject “real” numbers, I think everything in mathematics derives from counting and fractions.
But that's wrong. Once upon a time it has turned out rational numbers are not enough to describe what we see, and the introduction of real numbers has helped a lot. Later, complex numbers turned out useful too.
You can have them all for free. And i'm sure you use them already.
RmbRT said:
Now, to clarify, I do acknowledge that pi is not a number in my system, but but a value instead. Values can be computed on, but aren't necessarily expressible as a number, which in my definition is always a finite integer or a fraction of finite integers.
I see you work very hard on not admitting that you use them. You could become friends with those alien numbers instead.
RmbRT said:
division of X by 0 is 0, remainder X in my book. Think of handing out cookies or sweets from grade school. If you have no friends, you hand out 0 cookies, and keep all of them.
Oh, you introduce a ‘yourself’ to the problem of distributing cookies to zero kids to dodge the paradox?
But this is cheating. Example:
12 cookies, 3 kids. No problem.
12 cookies, one kid (which is eventually you). No problem.
12 cookies, no kids in class. ummm…. yes! The teacher eats all the cookies! Problem solved! \:D/
I prefer simple sense again also here:
If there are no kids in my class, i can not distribute X cookies to them.
There is not even a need to worry about every kid getting the same number of cookies, since there are no kids.
I can not divide the number of X by the number of no kids, because there are no kids to receive the non-existing result.
Thus: No kids, no division.
Not even AGI will figure out how to divide by zero. :D