Not sure what I am doing wrong but I was trying to reduce the number of interlocked operations I perform in a pixel shader using wave operations. This is the classic per-pixel linked list order independent translucency algo mixed with the classic wave intrinsic example.
Here's the code:
void addOITSample(uint2 coord,
RWStructuredBuffer< uint > oit_rw_grid,
RWStructuredBuffer< uint > oit_rw_samples,
OITParameters oit_parameters,
float3 color,
float transmittance,
float depth)
// Allocate sample
#if false
uint active_offset = WavePrefixCountBits(true);
uint active_count = WaveActiveCountBits(true);
uint sample_index;
InterlockedAdd(oit_rw_samples[0], active_count, sample_index);
sample_index = WaveReadLaneFirst(sample_index);
sample_index += active_offset;
uint sample_index;
InterlockedAdd(oit_rw_samples[0], 1, sample_index);
// If allocation succeeeded
if(sample_index < oit_parameters.sample_count)
// Add sample to list
uint list_index = coord.x + coord.y * oit_parameters.width;
uint next_pointer;
InterlockedExchange(oit_rw_grid[list_index], sample_index, next_pointer);
// Output sample
oit_rw_samples[1 + sample_index * 3 + 0] = packUFloat(depth, 24, 8) | packUFloat(transmittance, 8, 0);
oit_rw_samples[1 + sample_index * 3 + 1] = float3_to_r11g11b10(color);
oit_rw_samples[1 + sample_index * 3 + 2] = next_pointer;
You see, If I enable the wave intrisinc version of the sample allocation I get wrong visual result and eventually a GPU crash. Any idea?