
Looking to connect with some people making games for our printed magazine <3

Started by August 27, 2023 06:56 PM
0 comments, last by daniel.aagentah 1 year, 4 months ago

Eyy! Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. I've been thinking about writing some articles on some of the things experiences of people working on games/films and wanted to ask in here what you think would be some cool stuff to cover?

I run a small print magazine, and up until now we've mostly been covering underground electronic music, but have more recently been exploring art, artists, and film stuff.

Our next print has some conversations with people who worked on projects like Halo, Blade Runner, The Expanse, Destiny, etc.

I'd love to chat with some more of the smaller devs/studio on upcoming projects, if anyone is interested to share some of their experiences?

(For reference, our magazine is

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