
Your opinion about a physic based game

Started by August 20, 2023 12:06 AM
5 comments, last by ElitePreferredSpecies 1 year, 6 months ago


I wanted to make a game based on physics and I got all the ideas from some other games like Angry Bird and Bal Challenge. The user can press the mouse or place his finger on any point of the game. In this case, a line will be created between the game character and the point of touch of the finger, and this distance will be freed by the movement of the object when he moves his finger. Do you have an idea to make the game more creative or place objects on the screen that the ball or character will be damaged by hitting them?

This is a simple prototype of what is in my mind.


What is the physical grounding of your character movement? Angry Birds has a ballistic launch with a clear starting point, a direction and a velocity; following a finger seems much more complex. What do you mean by “freeing” a path? Where does energy come from? How is it conserved as potential and kinetic energy and lost in collisions and attrition?

Also, do you mean to make puzzles about avoiding obstacles to avoid getting hurt or about hitting the right obstacles in the right way to achieve an objective?

As a reference, there's a game series called “The Incredible Machine” that focuses on very diverse objectives and silly Rube Goldberg style engineering (e.g. hamster wheel motors moving conveyor belts to move cheese to attract a mouse to attract a cat to step on a pressure plate) but offers a rich variety of simple physical interactions (bouncing and rolling balls, billiard balls that are unaffected by gravity and superballs that gain energy when they bounce, floating balloons with ropes and pulleys, walls and slopes, wind sources pushing lightweight objects…) that allow puzzles that are solved by, for example, dropping a bowling ball from a precise location to bounce on suitably placed wall sections until it reaches a target.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru


LorenzoGatti said:
What is the physical grounding of your character movement? Angry Birds has a ballistic launch with a clear starting point, a direction and a velocity; following a finger seems much more complex. What do you mean by “freeing” a path? Where does energy come from? How is it conserved as potential and kinetic energy and lost in collisions and attrition?

Unfortunately, this site doesn't let me upload my description image.

Imagine the user can place the cursor or his touch on any target, a line will be drawn from the char to that target and the distance between the char and the cursor on any target will be calculated. This number will be then multiplied by a force. and that force will move or drop the object.

LorenzoGatti said:
Also, do you mean to make puzzles about avoiding obstacles to avoid getting hurt or about hitting the right obstacles in the right way to achieve an objective?

Both of them.

lingo1357 said:
This is a simple prototype of what is in my mind.

I'd say make a possibly partial conversion from mind to something that moves / works (for some value of moving / working).

You can think all you want, but in the end you have to experience it to understand if it works, and if not, why not. It doesn't have to look good or do everything, but it should be good enough to try / test the mechanic.

From that experience you can make ‘decisions’ like “this seems to work ok (for now)”, or “this is too complicated”, or “I am missing something here". The decisions then move your focus to smaller details where enhancements are required or useful.

lingo1357 said:
a line will be drawn from the char to that target and the distance between the char and the cursor on any target will be calculated. This number will be then multiplied by a force. and that force will move or drop the object.

Sorry, this explanation is still unclear. Do you mean that the player touches or clicks the screen to hurl the character towards that arbitrarily selected target point, with a force that is proportional to the distance from the current position to the target? With gravity, or in a straight line? User interface for a preview of the trajectory is also an important concern.

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

My interpretation here is that the player character will be pulled towards the point where they place their finger. If this is the case then that idea lends itself well to a platformer/puzzle style game. In terms of making that concept more creative the first thing that comes to mind would be giving the player a “task” for each level and creating some sort of feedback system for how well they completed said task. This would give levels a lot of replay value.

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