SuperVGA said:
They're by hobbyists - for hobbyists. Some of them use WIP, failed projects or learnings from those of us who are still amateur game developers.
Yeah, i thought the same. RTS is a classic genre, so it needs tutorials just like PacMan, although there are no more new AAA PacMan games.
GeneralJist said:
So, over the past few years, interest for real time strategy has seemingly returned.
I did not notice such trend. We get one big RTS every 3 years i feel. Actually only the upcoming Dune comes to my mind. So RTS seems not very popular in contrast to RPG, Action Adventures or even FPS.
The reason seems obvious: RTS isn't immersive and it's a bad genre to tell a story. But that's what the mainstream gamer wants, and this differs from the nerdy hardcore gamer from the early days.
Still, i think RTS is good genre and sleeping princess. Likely many people are hungry for it, but it's just not the main target for AAA studios. Last but not least because it requires a mouse and gamepads suck.
For indies it's surely still attractive. Content creation cost is low, and a niche audience should be there.