
Looking for place to start in game dev

Started by July 26, 2023 10:25 AM
4 comments, last by BuriGG 1 year, 5 months ago

My name is Martin but you can call me Buri.

I want to start my journey in gamedev as a 3D artist.

I'm learning/using Bledner for about 2 years (recently on new PC where I can finally use all what Bledner have to offer), also starting learning UE5 and Quixel/Mixer.

I trying to earn money by being an 3D artist but that is going very slowly ?

Now I'm looking to work/train in gamedev but it is harder than I thought.

I don't know if I'm in right place but if anybody need any help with some small or personal project (money is welcome but not the priority) let me know, I really want to learn that stuff but without clear direction is kinda hard.

If I'm posting in wrong place please delete, also sorry for my english ?

Have a good day !


Do you have some examples of what you did in Blender?

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -


@Vilem Otte Making a portfolio is not my strongers site ?
I set up artstation profile: (there is not much) also have a Fiverr account but I don't think is good idea to promote that on places like this.

BuriGG said:
I want to start my journey in gamedev as a 3D artist.

I trying to earn money by being an 3D artist but that is going very slowly ? Now I'm looking to work/train in gamedev but it is harder than I thought.

If you want advice on building your career in the game industry, like how to go about jobhunting, how to make yourself ready for professional work, etc., check out the Games Career Development forum. Read posts there and ask your own questions there.

BuriGG said:
I don't know if I'm in right place but if anybody need any help with some small or personal project (money is welcome but not the priority) let me know

This is a hobbyist site. You can volunteer for unpaid work in the Hobby Project Classifieds board. There are no paid jobs there. Just revshare (maybe you'll get paid someday, IF the game ever makes money).

We also have a Portfolios board (see nav sidebar at left) where you can attract interested parties by showing off your awesome works. (Your reply that you don't have a portfolio was posted while I was writing this.)

Good luck with your career aspirations!

-- Tom Sloper --

@Tom Sloper Thank you very much.

About job hunting I think I prefer non-corpo work ?

That is why I'm looking for something smaller.

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