Hi everyone. I'm currently at crossroads in my game dev journey and could use some advice.
I have several game dev courses that I am going through to sharpen my skills before I start building my own game portfolio in search of a game designer job. I don't have a portfolio right now and I'm currently very busy with finding a job in IT Tech Support since I just got laid off and need a job to survive but I'm also working on my game design portfolio and skillset. The courses I have been taking are:
- Udemy - GameDev.TV Unity 2D Game Dev 2018 (completed)
- Udemy - GameDev.TV Unity 2D Game Dev 2021 (pending…)
- Udemy - GameDev.TV Unity 3D Game Dev 2021 (pending…)
- GD50 Intro to Game Dev by Harvard (work in progress…)
- Full-Time Game Dev by Thomas Brush
I am currently working on GD50 Intro to Game Dev by Harvard. Hoping to pass and get the certification to help maximize landing a job in the gaming industry. I'm passionate about game design and video games. I also have a strong foundation in 3d art and programming in C# and C++. However, I'm not enjoying or fully understanding the course materials in GD50. The games you make are made with Lua language for Love2D and I find Lua to be one of the most confusing languages I ever learned. There's also no game engine which I find unconventional coming from Unity/Unreal Engine. It's also very fast-paced and doesn't explain the way I understand how the games are being made. I don't know if the fact it's just “Harvard” that suppose to make it special but I have been thinking of skipping it and just moving on to GameDev.TV Unity 2D/3D course which I find great and I understand the course materials, assignments/challenges, and C# programming. The same goes for GameDev.TV Unreal course. I love C++ and C#.
Should I continue with GD50 or skip it? How important is having a certification? I know that portfolio is #1 and most important. My dream job is to get a job as a game designer or go full indie with a small team (solo first).
The jobs I would look for are entry-level game designer, level designer, and qa tester.