The development of a military simulation, which is often called a war game, is still probably the most difficult of all games to develop. This is not so much the fault of the genre itself today but the fact that such games do not have the popularity among developers that 3D games do. As a result there are less tools and information available for developers who are interested in such an endeavor.
As a software engineer and military historian-analyst for so many years, I have always had a deep interest in combining my professional expertise and interests with my passion for the study of military history and analysis, which would hopefully result in the development of my own military simulation.
To date, this has not happened due to a variety if responsibilities I have had for my career over the many years I have spent in it. Now that I have retired from professional development, I can concentrate on this interest alone.
The first result then is my application called the AGKWorkbench, with which the first upcoming release will support a complete database system that military simulation developers can use to store the necessary data that such development requires.
Currently, I am working on completing a basic set of documentation for anyone who may be interested in reviewing this work or using it.
The first release, which I expect to publish in the next 2 weeks or so, will be fairly raw, with several issues that I am already aware of and plan on correcting.
Nonetheless, there will be enough in this first release that anyone should be able to use it for their own development efforts or instead, provide me with suggestions for updates.
Like all such releases, this one will be completely free and Open Source. It will be released under the generous MIT license with the single restriction that my software cannot be sold “as is” for profit. Barring this, anyone may use the code for their own purposes whether it is commercial or not.
If there are any questions or comments, please leave them here in this thread.
Thank you…
Steve Naidamast Sr. Software Engineer