
OpenGL speed

Started by January 28, 2000 05:48 AM
2 comments, last by Gandalf 25 years, 1 month ago
Anybody how make OpenGL games that not require 3dfx card? Is it possible? And what slows down everthing? I want to make games that not require a 3dfx card, but mayby I must learn assembler? Is glut very slow? Are OpenGL in software mode using GDI? Gandalf the White
Gandalf the Black
What ???
OpenGL is only fast with 3dfx cards then i have a 3dfx card too! The OpenGL impentations are getting better every day. The cards that came afer RIVA 128 ,so Riva TNT ,s3,.... are all fast.
And glut is a library which handles the openGL window management and user input in Windows Solaris Linux and Beos it think ,too

Edited by - TheMummy on 1/28/00 10:50:05 AM
unfortunately i found that openGL software renderer is very slow, but rather accurate. but i think that my openGL drivers are unable to perform all the operations i need. btw: does anyone know where to get a good openGL driver for S3 ViRGE?


[sorry for posting this twice - an accident...]

Edited by - Vigrid on 1/28/00 11:21:03 AM
unfortunately i found that openGL software renderer is very slow, but rather accurate. but i think that my openGL drivers are unable to perform all the operations i need. btw: does anyone know where to get a good openGL driver for S3 ViRGE?


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