
graphic quality increase

Started by March 24, 2023 11:15 AM
5 comments, last by vakkas 1 year, 11 months ago

how can i improve the graphics of the game i use dx12 granny 2.11.8 devil 1.8 no game engine i use virsual s.  

i want to do it this way

old one

Damn, thats going to take a long time


I actually like the image on bottom better than the one on top. The actual scene might look better in the image on top, but I can barely make it out under all of the UI elements piled on top.

Not an expert, but I'll tell you what I see in the bottom image that can be improved:

  • The tiling on the floor is too obvious, to the point that it's distracting. Add some variety by having a few different tiles that work well with each other.
  • The colors are all over the place and don't bring the player's attention to the right spots. The bright green on that tree on the left is so terrible that the only two things I see when I look at that frame are the floor and the green tree.
  • The view shows a ton of floor that doesn't seem interesting. This also makes the first issue worse. Unless this serves a gameplay purpose, I would try to find a better camera view, where more of the screen is occupied with relevant things.
  • The trees have an odd look, with the leaves all rendered behind the woody parts. Unless this is a conscious art decision, I would try to fix it.

Pretty much all of these things come down to better art. If you don't have a good eye for art, maybe enlist the help of someone who does? Or maybe try to watch some game-development videos about some of these topics. A quick search gave me this as the first link, which might be a good place to start:

vakkas said:
how can i improve the graphics of the game

I dont think this is primarily a programming question. Its the question of the content you are using.


I want the colors to be 10% more vibrant

Let me take a look at a dds, then I need to improve the quality of colors in Photoshop.

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