
Applied Games Project - Research Study Recruitment

Started by March 12, 2023 08:24 AM
7 comments, last by Tom Sloper 1 year, 11 months ago

Hello everyone! My name is Jarreau. I am currently on a team making an Applied Game from the UC Santa Cruz Serious Games program. We have been working on gauging which methods are the most effective in raising awareness about topics of abuse within the game development industry.

Our Serious Games cohort has backgrounds in learning about game development in undergrad, of which most of us are looking to enter the games industry. While we had converged on focusing our project on abuse within the workplace, we have personally decided to be able to focus on addressing game development students going to enter in the the game development workplace given our personal connection and being able to attempt this with the amount of time we have in three quarters in the academic year.

So with that, the Serious Games cohort is at a stage to be able to conduct a study during production. This will be next week from Monday - Thursday (3/13th - 3/16th), and we will be conducting a study on this project through Zoom for about 45 min - 1 hr!

We are looking for any available game dev. students to join us!

If you’re interested in helping us out or know of anyone who is available, please sign up here ( and join our Discord Server ( for live updates! Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out via

Thank you! ?

NOTE: Above post was updated after I posted.
This now appears to be a class assignment.


dhortega said:
We have been working on gauging which methods are the most effective in raising awareness about topics of abuse within the game development industry.

Why do you need to single out this group? What makes game developers more prone or specific to special requirements of awareness?

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


I'm reading that more as “topics of” | “abuse within the game development industry” than “topics of abuse” | “within the game development industry”. In other words, I think this is less trying to tell gamedevs about abuse, and more about trying to tell the general public about the abuse that happens at a surprising number of studios.

And honestly, I think that's a pretty good idea! If you follow games media or work inside of a major studio, you've probably hear or read plenty about it. But in reality, the vast majority of people who play games don't follow games media and are mostly unaware of these issues and controversies.

With that said, it would probably be good for OP to elaborate since it's not 100% clear from the description. I'm just guessing from context!


Hi fleabay, yes that is helpful to answer, and I see that I should have clarified more. While our team converged on having the project represent topics of abuse in the workplace, personally as a team we were leaning more towards being able to address game development students looking to go into the game development workplace. In addition, for the scope of our project and given the amount of time we have in 2 quarters for pre-production and production (6 months), we also needed to have our focus be more specfic (as opposed to tackling many forms of abuse found in the workplaces) and have time to speak on these topics sufficiently. Would that happen to answer your question?

dhortega said:
…we also needed to focus on the specfic kind of topics and have time to speak on these topics sufficiently.

Could you give me an example of Sensitivity Training in the workplace vs Sensitivity Training in the game development workplace?

You can use your own terms if mine are not appropriate.

dhortega said:
I am currently on a team making an Applied Game from the UC Santa Cruz Serious Games program.

This looks to be a class assignment…

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.

Hi fleabay, we wouldn’t be differentiating the content of sensitivity training in the workplace vs. in the games development workplace but examining the effectiveness of sensitivity training in either workplace. The one notable thing is that in figuring out the design of the game, we found it important to establish who is it for and having that inform how we make it, so our study that we will be running to reflect this.

Understandably, we are from a university and have been developing this game project with the intention of backing it up with research, which is the part of the process of creating Applied Games or Serious Games.


Would anyone happen to know how to edit titles for posts? I realize this post title could be phrased better, but regardless, this is to be phrased as a study that would very much help our personal game development project.

dhortega said:
Would anyone happen to know how to edit titles for posts?

Start a thread in the GDNet Comments, Suggestions, and Ideas forum. This feature does not exist at present.

-- Tom Sloper --

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