
So where can I post or share my game ?

Started by January 07, 2023 08:18 PM
3 comments, last by Geri 1 year, 8 months ago

Hello, very ignorant question here and for that I'm sorry. But I'm desperately seeking a method or website or some way to effectively share the games I make with others. I've seen steam, but they make you jump hoops. Game jolt seems promising (sort of) . Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Naturally the easiest way is to self-host it on your own server and have a website for it (which can grow into unprecedented level of complexity for more reasons).

Then, some sites offer hosting game projects for free and having them available for download - these tend to be quite fast and easy to setup - let me give you few examples what to expect (shameless self-promotion of course - because unlike other (larger projects) I can directly shoot them here without consulting my partners):

  • (yes, here) -​ - this is one of my Challenge games here. It also hosts the archive with the game. There are some limitations though (on size, etc.). It is also not limited to game projects only.
  • - I've used it for Ludum Dare game jam in the past (​ … and example project F.e.​),​ there are also some limitations (on size - if it is too big, you have to self-host it)
  • - In case you want to share just the code (although some people share binaries, because in this reality and for some twisted reason, most people refuse to read terms of service). I'm having some Ludum Dare game jam source codes there, like:​ … although the actual project is held elsewhere

Of course, there are platform specific sites, which are viable especially when you focus on mobile platforms - like AppStore or Google Play (those 2 are the most famous - there are others, less known, though). Releasing products on these (from experience) is quite a bit more complex than the above.

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -


Post them where your potential buyers dwell. If the mountain doesnt visits mohammad, then muhammad will visit the mountain. Be agile, and go after the business! Do not expect random people to buy your game just because you made a game. Reach the target audience.

Vilem Otte said:
lthough some people share binaries, because in this reality and for some twisted reason, most people refuse to read terms of service

As someone who sometimes posting binary only projects on github, i must point out the fact i have read the github tos, i'm just intentionally violating it :D

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