
How do I make my game act as a Forza telemetry server?

Started by November 22, 2022 08:08 PM
2 comments, last by s8974 2 years, 3 months ago

I'm making a pygame driving game. I tried sending UDP packets with a JSON list, but SIM Dashboard does not recognize my game as a telemetry server. Why?

My game: Car-Racing-3D/ at main · sserver224/Car-Racing-3D (

P.S. After that, how do I make enemy race cars in the game?

s8974 said:
SIM Dashboard does not recognize my game as a telemetry server.

You will need to figure out what the exact requirements are for that dashboard tool, and make sure your network packets meet those requirements. If there exists some documentation, then make sure you read all the parts and verify all your interactions (including port numbers, header formats, authentication, and so on.) If there's only a reverse engineering effort, then perhaps start picking apart the system you're looking at in a little more detail, comparing your interactions with the interactions you see from the working system.

The tool Wireshark is pretty much a must-have for these kinds of debugging situations. If you're not already using it, start there. Capture some traffic that works, and capture your own traffic, and then compare to see what's different.

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

@hplus0603 Someone posted a JSON format for Forza telemetry and I tried sending packets using the same format but it didn't work. Look at my code again. My computer doesn't meet the Forza requirements.

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