I'm studying video game audio for my dissertation at university, particularly how it can be used as a game mechanic and I would be grateful for some help. I'm using a questionnaire to gather feedback about players gameplay experiences, attitudes towards certain aspects of game audio and the hardware they use for listening to their games. This information will then help to inform the design and development of an audio game in Unity. It should only take about 5 minutes to complete but responses would be really helpful, more info can be found at the start of the survey and all responses are anonymous. Thank you in advance to anyone that takes the time to complete it!
Link to the questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=CBLvBzxBXkuc3WTvMFdU8IFWevoe9ItOlo98AGkrfIFUQ0RUTzE0VVFYSFlUQTBGMzIzVFoxUEtTUy4u