
corel linux

Started by December 17, 2001 10:56 PM
1 comment, last by hemp 22 years, 9 months ago
Can I install corel linux on my hardrive, without having to partion my hardrive before? Is PHAT linux good? Edited by - hemp on December 17, 2001 12:03:07 AM
Corel just make their own distro of linux to add their suite to it... my opinion. You need to use something like partition magic to dynamically slice your partition up. or you can defrag your hard drive and use fips to slice it up.
Remember to defrag it.. it needs to condense the data together so you are not slicing your hard drive with data in two different places.

There are literally hundreds of different distrubutions of linux. Just find one that suits your needs.

Edited by - GoofProg on December 20, 2001 1:04:14 AM

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?Have a nice day!?

quote: Original post by hemp
Can I install corel linux on my hardrive, without having to
partion my hardrive before? Is PHAT linux good?

Edited by - hemp on December 17, 2001 12:03:07 AM

There is a partitionning application that is runned by the Installation program for Corel Linux, you can just use that. Although, Corel really disapointed me with their distro.

As for PHAT linux, I can''t say, never tried it and don''t plan to for the moment. You should probably use one of the three mentionned distros instead of Corel: Mandrake, Debian or SuSE( which is the one I prefer, even though, I''m running Mandrake at the moment )...

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