I'm preparing myself for final master degree project - browser online game - in old style (hattrick, ogame, etc.)
I'm thinking about very simple football manager - my entire life was plaing many titles so I have my observations and ideas. I have also my preferences about technologies to be used but before I will start doing mistakes at the very beggining I would like to ask about some advices for each stage:
Front-end: 2 main functions:
1. Web page allowing logging into individual accout to mange the club(set and control training, match tactic, choose sponsors, buy/sell players(real-time auctions), hire staff etc - all decisions goes to database.
2. Web page must present data from data base including real time changes (during the match - match engine will be processing the game on the server. Other example: transfer bids - auction - people will be able to fight for player)
Back-end: 2 main functions:
1. Will regularlly make operations on the database - for example every day will add training results to each player skills or e.g. each same day every week will make finance balance deducting money for player salaries, stadium cost and add money from sponsors, etc..
2. Will calculate matches in real time - math will be done on server and both manages need to see result, stats, and other things on the web site
Mobile app - maybe I will develop this project after studies - than I will need a gate to connect all with mobile apps for Android/iOS. So it is important that technologies choosen for Font-end and back-end doesn't limmit it.
I'm courious what choices would make experienced developer to achive such functionalities. Thanks for all advices in advance ?