
The Cost of an Audio Designer

Started by January 17, 2022 11:24 AM
10 comments, last by Thaumaturge 2 years, 8 months ago

Forgive the double-post, plrase, but I have a specific question to ask, if I may:

Given an audio-designer on Fiverr offering 100 sounds to 30s of video/audio at a cost of \$5, would I be wise to consider said offer to be “too good to be true”? Or is that a reasonable price…? It seems awfully low alongside offerings with prices along the lines of \$10 per sound effect, or even just \$40 for 8 sound effects.

For reference, the audio-designer in question seems to have a pretty good rating: 118 reviews all of five stars, and a “level two" designation by Fiverr.


Ah, nevermind: I contacted the person in question, and it turns out that they make use of royalty-free sounds, rather than making the sounds themselves.

Still, I suppose that the core question remains: how good a deal is “too good to be true” in looking for someone to make sound effects…?


My Twitter Account: @EbornIan

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