What's up gamers, I'm back with another opportunity for some of you hobbyists out there. My studio is in need of a person or persons skilled in the design and implementation of UI such as menus, and inventory screens. Below is a summary of our current project. Our team is a little small at the moment, but hey, if we already had everyone we needed there wouldn't be a need for this post! If you'd like to join our team all I ask is you are friendly, work well with others, and are knowledgeable in the ways of making UI. If you'd like more info as always you are free to message me at any time!
Project summary:
The Talisman is an open world sci-fi game designed with flexibility of playstyle in mind. The game design is intended to allow the user to do virtually anything they want in a Sci-Fi setting. Work a stable job planet side, making spaceships or space ship weapons, find a special someone, raise a family, be a farmer to supply local settlements with needed foods, or for those more daring souls, purchase yourself a spaceship and see the wonders and horrors space has in store for you! Unlike a lot of games of a similar genre The Talisman doesn't focus on being in space or even piloting a spaceship. This game aims to truly embrace the definition of Open World by allowing you to choose whatever style of play you want. Of course, as with every game there are winning conditions, but the point of these conditions is to enable the player to choose how they want to play, as such the game won't end after it's been beaten and the player will have the option of continuing on after they win. Some basic win conditions are
Accumulating a certain number of currency will trigger a Wealth victory
Creating or joining a faction that controls 80% of the star systems or more will trigger an Empire victory
(More coming soon)