Hey all, I'm looking for someone familiar with the map design of classic FF (I-VI) to work with on a FF fangame I have in the works, The project, titled Final Fantasy: A New Beginning, is being developed as a GBA homebrew title and draws heavily from the classic FF titles (I-VI) featuring all new characters, story, and locations. The game officially entered development about 4 months ago and as of now the only position yet to be filled is for a dedicated map designer.
The map designer is in charge of creating the town and dungeon maps based on the descriptions of the locations as well as existing references. Maps will be created in Tiled, a free and easy to use map editor, as this is the format the dev has programmed support for. Experience with map design from the classic Final Fantasy titles (I-VI) is heavily preferred.
Please don't hesitate to reach out! Feel free to contact me anytime on discord at Spindaboy#1831