
Handy little online tool for stiching 2d tile sheets

Started by May 19, 2021 02:47 PM
1 comment, last by Robert Brooks 3 years, 4 months ago

Hi Everyone

I've made a handy little tool for stitching tilesets and spritesheets together. Most game engines have a tile map object but most expect you to import your own pre-positioned tilesheet with all your tiles layed out nicely on the sheet. This little tool will handle that for you within minutes. Faster than you could do the same using photoshop or similar

Here's the link to the tool. It's online but it all works in local so you don't have to upload your files, great if you have a slow upload speed. The tool features

  • drag and drop functionality
  • grid-snapping allowing you to create seamless tilesets
  • invert and clone tiles
  • import, extend and slice existing tilesets

check it here, for some reason UI for posting on this site won't let me add the link so you'll have to right click and copy the link below.

It's not working on mobile yet, desktop-only I'm afraid.

Hope it helps, Thanks

Robert​ the largest collection of high-quality 2d assets in one style and at affordable prices

Managed to fix the link issue in the edit​ the largest collection of high-quality 2d assets in one style and at affordable prices

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