
Looking to build a team for a unity3d project

Started by May 16, 2021 10:10 PM
1 comment, last by DexTheDev 3 years, 9 months ago

I am currently looking to build a small indie team. to help start a project I been wanting to start for a long time now using unity3d, if anyone would like to talk more just post and ill sort a discord link for you, this will be a long project and not easy so please make sure you are willing to put in the time before contacting me, thank you and this will be a fresh project there are no pre made files to share.

I will be doing this project in stages to cut down on the work load starting with general game UI and account sections. all team members will need to use discord so that we can talk to each other and see what we have done and keep progress on deadlines and github will be setup to store files .

below is my basic idea it may change or most of it may not happen but thats how I right now invision the game. for ideas on what am looking for check out Arma3 S.O.G. Prairie Fire on youtube that as basic game ideas but i want a more standalone game with better interface and graphics but the game play is some what how i would like this game to be with co-op players working as team to secure locations so on.

this is a massive project, I will not lie to you, but if done right this will be best vietnam game on market and you will be a part of it :D

Engine: Unity3d Pro /or FREE editions.

What we need for a Team
   1. C# coders
   2. 2d/3d artists
   3. map developers

Game Story line :
   Game will take place in during the vietnam war from the early 1950s to late 1970s following the us marines and air corp,
   in a FPS style game with vehicle control elements were users can walk, fly or drive to required areas.

Account section 
   1. account creation
   2. account login with forgot password feature
   3. selection screen to be able to create or select users characters.

Character creation screen would have following options
   1. hair + color
   2. eyes + color
   3. skin + color
   4. face
   5. body size
   6. clothing options

Characters design :
   Users will developer there character while playing the game using skills, states and gear upgrades and ranking system.

Ranks system titles :
   0. Private
   1. Private first class
   2. Corporal
   3. Sergeant
   4. Staff Sergeant
   5. Technical Sergeant
   6. Master Sergeant, First Sergeant
   7. Flight Officer
   8. Warrant Officer
   9. 2nd Lieutenant
   10. 1st Lieutenant
   11. Captain
   12. Major
   13. Lieutenant Colonel
   14. Colonel
   15. Brigadier General
   16. Major General
   17. Lieutenant General
   18. General
   19. General 1 star
   20. General 2 star
   21. General 3 star
   22. General 4 star
Weapon upgrades
  1. weapon ammo capacity increase
  2. weapon modifications / skins

Character skills and abiltys
  1. US Marine (experts in hand to hand combat, heavy weapons and explosives)
  2. Air corp (experts in spoting targets, flying recon missions and e-vac)
  3. Medics (exports in healing and light weapons)

Level and environment design :
   Design will vary from mass jungle warfare to seek and destroy to air vac / air support roles and stealth intelligence missions.

Gamesplay :
   User will control a US Marine or a Air corp unit, were there can interact with other fellow users in a real time mmo strategy battle environment within historical battles and areas.

  1. Users will engage random NPC (VC) spawn units within battle zones.
  2. Users will be able to interact with other players using ablitys such as healing, sharing supplies, and give support.
  3. Users will be able to call in other players for air support (seek and destroy enemy units) or medic/ troop extractions.

Art :
   will be based on vietnam using historical maps, buildings, units and vehicles from vietnam war.

Sound & Music :
   Will use historical vietnam war era music and sound effects to give the game a realistic theme.

User inferface, Game Controls :
   Users will be able to control any playable unit uning standard mouse and keybored controls.
   Users will have a standard GUI with mini Map core abiltys and unit groups.

Main Vehicle 3D models :

 Bell UH-1 Iroquois -- Slick
 Bell UH-1 -- Gunship
 Bell UH-1 Iroquois -- Medivac
 Bell AH-1 Cobra
 Hughes OH-6 Cayuse
 Bell OH-58 Kiowa
 Boeing CH-47 Chinook
 Sikorsky H-34
 Willy MB Jeep
 Ford M151 MUTT
 Dodge M37

Main Units 3D models :
 US Marine -- GI
 US Marine -- Medic
 US Matine -- Engineer
 US Marine -- Radio Operator
 US Marine -- Sniper

 US Air Forces -- Pilot (Helicopters, Jets)
 US Air Forces -- Co Pilot with (mini guns / rockets) support
 US Air Forces -- Door Gunner

Viet Cong troops
North Vietnam troops

Building 3D models :
 US Air Forces HQ buildings (landing pads, barrels, run ways)
 US Matines HQ buildings (bunkers, barb wire, fences, watch towers)
 Viet Cong / North Vietnam HQ buildings (airfields, bunkers and tunnels)
 Viet Cong / North Vietnam buildings (camps, villages)

other vehicles will be added at later time as addons

vehicle referance list can be found at

look Like a few thousands $ in hiring there, but hey good luck to you sir!

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