JoeJ said:
What i did not like about Magic Carpet was the stress to switch spells.
Indeed this was a thing, though it didn't bother me that much. You could actually set shortcut keys but you had to do it every level and I never messed with getting used to that. But bet when I make mine part of the leveling process for the mana capture could be something either like on site, or within range(assuming no evil wizard is in range).
Thaumaturge said:
I don't think that I recall the spells being all that useful, but I do think that I recall terrain deformation being part of the levels themselves at times.
This is true. All too often you would die to a sudden volcano or a spreading canyon happening under you. I'm not 100% how I'm going to do this(or even which engine I'll choose), so I don't know how feasible that part will be. It did certainly make gameplay more interesting but I'm not sure I like the insta-death simply due to going over some specific spot that wasn't marked or anything.
Thaumaturge said:
That said, it may well simply be that I didn't find the tactics that would have given me a stronger advance over the challenges of the levels.
I'd say I got pretty good at the game. There were a couple levels here and there that gave issues…like level 49(I always called it clusterf*ck), because there were TONS of the wyvern dragon things and you never get a chance to even build your castle, while Vodor starts with a full-sized castle. The only way to generally beat that is to get the dragon things, and the birds that shoot lightning, to go after Vodor's castle, and build yours close enough to steal the mana. There is so much activity that it isn't reliable, but at the least that same activity means that you don't have to worry about losing the mana itself(just the castle)…as long as you don't die.
Thaumaturge said:
Funnily enough, the capturing of mana is part of that, arguably: the fact that enemies could re-capture mana, or prevent balloons from taking it, made progress a more difficult thing.
I actually think this is kinda an important part of the gameplay. I don't think I would change the way that part is. The enemies couldn't take back mana(except the crabs that could eat it and get stronger), but they could fight your gathering balloons. It adds a bit more “stuff to do” which is a good thing in my opinion since it makes a certain sense.