
Chromosome Evil - RTS mixed with Horror

Started by April 30, 2021 03:03 PM
1 comment, last by 16Bitnights 3 years, 7 months ago


this is my first post here regarding my personal project, a mix of Real-time strategy with horror. I truly hope that you will enjoy this, currently, the project development started in 2017 and I hope to get it finished by 2022, I will also try to periodically post updates. So here it begins …

Story plot

It was a beautiful spring day, nobody knows the exact order of events during that day but what they do remember is that all of a sudden the sky turned red, all radios and televisions were somehow hijacked by a superior force and were sending only one message: “the ancient one is coming…”.

Then there was a great moment of silence and soon after, they came.

They came from below the earth digging their way out, creatures of nightmare, abominations of unspeakable terror, the army didn’t stand a chance, human civilization fell in a dark age.

You are part of what remains of army forces, your brother, the one who took care of you when your parents died was also part of the army and went missing during a mission a few miles from where you are stationed with the objective to gather information about this underground hole from where these creatures are coming from. You decide that if the world is going to end at least to do one last journey of redemption to see your brother one more time.


During this journey you choose what team you want to assemble, you choose the evolution of each squad member, you choose which location you want to look for supplies and where you want to establish a defense perimeter, you choose your route and you decide the best course of action for the events that will present before you.

Additional information

- Real-time strategy game mixed with RPG elements.

- Code in C++ artwork in Windows Paint

- Top-down

- TBS gameplay during travel map

- survival elements

- skills level up system, inventory, resources

- multiple choices and outcomes

- main inspirations: C&C, Dungeons & Dragons, Heroes 3, Red Alert, Xcom

- Game development started in mid-2016 (artwise, design, prototyping/ part-time) and heavy development started in half of 2017, currently we got a map editor working and some of the basic features done + 50% from art/animations done

- release date: we hope somewhere in 2022





Popa Cristian Manuel - artwork, animation, game design, marketing, balance, team management, testing, level design

Sergey Dovganovsky - programming, animation, testing, balance


Developed under 16 BIT NIGHTS studio


Discord chat group -

Site -

Steam coming soon page -

If you have additional questions & suggestions about the project feel free to ask us here or on our discord groups, interacting with the community is what helps our motivation the most.

Thank you!

16Bitnights said:
my personal project, a mix of Real-time strategy with horror

Earlier this morning, you asked “Can you mix RTS + Horror,” and now you're announcing that you're already working on such a game. Why ask if you can do a thing you're already doing?

16Bitnights said:
I will also try to periodically post updates.

No more often than once a month.

-- Tom Sloper --


Hey Tom,

Yes, I asked because if I work on this project it does not mean that I know what I am doing regarding this RTS/Horror mix so I wanted some neutral opinions and a bit of brainstorming not related to the dev blog entries. I am sure that many can have some good ideas about such a mix and others can also benefit from a design chat - I had no intention of causing problems if that is where you are aiming.

I keep the development blog just for regular updates, and sure, I will keep my dev blog to 1 time per month, thank you for clearing that out for me


All assets for scenario 06 are done so I want to share this with you

I aimed for simple gameplay here, also by this point the player will be familiar with all basic mechanics.

Mainly you must fix the vehicle(doing so you will unlock the workshop menu) by looting components from the map(or if you already have components from the previous exploration even better)and during this time you must also protect the perimeter against the undead. After the vehicle is fixed and you have the key, the exit grid will appear

And a small twist at the end, the player will have a choice. increase Action points permanent + 1 during travel map but get permanent x2 prices in the workshop or do not get the bonus AP and have normal prices in the workshop.

I hope you enjoy it. PS: art is made in windows Paint

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