You're welcome! “bindless” refers to a family of techniques that let you bypass the traditional way of binding textures and buffers to your shaders. In a traditional setup, your shader will expect a handful of textures and buffers, and your CPU code will provide matching shader resource views for each of these so that the shader can read from them. With bindless, you instead set things up so that you bind your entire descriptor heap to your root signature, and then use special shader syntax to access the textures and buffers within that heap. The end result is that your shader can freely access any resource, as long as the shader knows the index of that resource's descriptor within the heap. If you look at that code I posted, you can see me doing that with code like this:
Buffer<uint> idxBuffer = BufferUintTable[RayTraceCB.IdxBufferIdx];
RayTraceCB.IdxBufferIdx is a 32-bit integer containing the index of the the index buffer's SRV descriptor, and it uses that index to access the descriptor and then read from the buffer.