
Compute Shader Problem

Started by March 26, 2021 12:05 AM
1 comment, last by JoeJ 3 years, 10 months ago

Over the past few days, I just kept trying and trying to compile this compute shader, maybe there are too many branching happening. I tried to compile this with fxc.exe and also inside my application.

Can anyone shed some lights on this, please?

The error I received was “Compilation Aborted Unexpectedly”

// gpProjectToVel.hlsl
// Computes new velocity fields U, V, and W
// from the computed pressure solution and Phi.

#include "gpStdParameters.hlsli" // Standard parameters

// Inputs: pressure P, Phi
Texture3D<float> gP : register(t0);
Texture3D<float> gPhi : register(t1);
// Outputs: U, V, and W
RWTexture3D<float> gU : register(u0);
RWTexture3D<float> gV : register(u1);
RWTexture3D<float> gW : register(u2);

// Despite appearances, this shader should be invoked on a grid
// of size at least (mM.x-1)*(mM.y-1)*(mM.z-1).
[numthreads(4, 4, 4)]
void main( uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID )
	// Note: At the moment, we're taking m_CellsPerMeter to be mM.x. This may not hold in the future.
	// This scale factor must be the negative inverse of that in gpProjectComputeRHS.hlsl.
	float dx = 1.0f / mM.x;
	float mRho = 1000.0f; // Density of water, from Simulation.h
	float scale = mDT / (dx * mRho);

	float myPhi = gPhi[DTid];
	float myP = gP[DTid];

	// Transcription of relevant code from Simulation.cpp
	float maxLSRatio = 1000.0f;

	// U
	// Don't modify edges (x<mM.x-1)
	if (float(DTid.x) < mM.x - 1.5f) 
		uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(1, 0, 0); // other index
		float phiO = gPhi[oidx];
		float myU = gU[oidx];
		// Open question: Can we do better than having four cases here?
		if (myPhi < 0.0) 
			if (phiO < 0.0)
				gU[oidx] = myU - scale * (gP[oidx] - myP);
			    // phiO >= 0.0
				gU[oidx] = myU + scale * myP * (1 + clamp(-phiO / myPhi, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
			// myPhi >= 0.0
			if (phiO < 0.0) 
				gU[oidx] = myU - scale * gP[oidx] * (1 + clamp(-myPhi / phiO, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
			{ // phiO >= 0.0
				gU[oidx] = 0.0f; // in the air

	// V
	// Don't modify edges (y<mM.y-1)
	if (float(DTid.y) < mM.y - 1.5f) 
		uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(0, 1, 0);
		float phiO = gPhi[oidx];
		float myV = gV[oidx];

		if (myPhi < 0.0) 
			if (phiO < 0.0) 
				gV[oidx] = myV - scale * (gP[oidx] - myP);
			    // phiO >= 0.0
				gV[oidx] = myV + scale * myP * (1 + clamp(-phiO / myPhi, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
			// myPhi >= 0.0
			if (phiO < 0.0) 
				gV[oidx] = myV - scale * gP[oidx] * (1 + clamp(-myPhi / phiO, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
			    // phiO >= 0.0
				gV[oidx] = 0.0f; // in the air

	// W
	// Don't modify edges (z<mM.z-1)
	if (float(DTid.z) < mM.z - 1.5f) 
		uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(0, 0, 1);
		float phiO = gPhi[oidx];
		float myW = gW[oidx];

		if (myPhi < 0.0) 
			if (phiO < 0.0) 
				gW[oidx] = myW - scale * (gP[oidx] - myP);
			    // phiO >= 0.0
				gW[oidx] = myW + scale * myP * (1 + clamp(-phiO / myPhi, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
		    // myPhi >= 0.0
			if (phiO < 0.0) 
				gW[oidx] = myW - scale * gP[oidx] * (1 + clamp(-myPhi / phiO, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
			    // phiO >= 0.0
				gW[oidx] = 0.0f; // in the air
	// end
uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(1, 0, 0); // other index

I guess you can not modify texels based on their neighbors, which may change as well in unspecified order. So you need to have separate 3D textures for input and output.
This turns your solve from gauss seidel to jacobi method, which usually needs more iterations to converge, but is order independent and the only option with parallelization.

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