Over the past few days, I just kept trying and trying to compile this compute shader, maybe there are too many branching happening. I tried to compile this with fxc.exe and also inside my application.
Can anyone shed some lights on this, please?
The error I received was “Compilation Aborted Unexpectedly”
// gpProjectToVel.hlsl
// Computes new velocity fields U, V, and W
// from the computed pressure solution and Phi.
#include "gpStdParameters.hlsli" // Standard parameters
// Inputs: pressure P, Phi
Texture3D<float> gP : register(t0);
Texture3D<float> gPhi : register(t1);
// Outputs: U, V, and W
RWTexture3D<float> gU : register(u0);
RWTexture3D<float> gV : register(u1);
RWTexture3D<float> gW : register(u2);
// Despite appearances, this shader should be invoked on a grid
// of size at least (mM.x-1)*(mM.y-1)*(mM.z-1).
[numthreads(4, 4, 4)]
void main( uint3 DTid : SV_DispatchThreadID )
// Note: At the moment, we're taking m_CellsPerMeter to be mM.x. This may not hold in the future.
// This scale factor must be the negative inverse of that in gpProjectComputeRHS.hlsl.
float dx = 1.0f / mM.x;
float mRho = 1000.0f; // Density of water, from Simulation.h
float scale = mDT / (dx * mRho);
float myPhi = gPhi[DTid];
float myP = gP[DTid];
// Transcription of relevant code from Simulation.cpp
float maxLSRatio = 1000.0f;
// U
// Don't modify edges (x<mM.x-1)
if (float(DTid.x) < mM.x - 1.5f)
uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(1, 0, 0); // other index
float phiO = gPhi[oidx];
float myU = gU[oidx];
// Open question: Can we do better than having four cases here?
if (myPhi < 0.0)
if (phiO < 0.0)
gU[oidx] = myU - scale * (gP[oidx] - myP);
// phiO >= 0.0
gU[oidx] = myU + scale * myP * (1 + clamp(-phiO / myPhi, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
// myPhi >= 0.0
if (phiO < 0.0)
gU[oidx] = myU - scale * gP[oidx] * (1 + clamp(-myPhi / phiO, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
{ // phiO >= 0.0
gU[oidx] = 0.0f; // in the air
// V
// Don't modify edges (y<mM.y-1)
if (float(DTid.y) < mM.y - 1.5f)
uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(0, 1, 0);
float phiO = gPhi[oidx];
float myV = gV[oidx];
if (myPhi < 0.0)
if (phiO < 0.0)
gV[oidx] = myV - scale * (gP[oidx] - myP);
// phiO >= 0.0
gV[oidx] = myV + scale * myP * (1 + clamp(-phiO / myPhi, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
// myPhi >= 0.0
if (phiO < 0.0)
gV[oidx] = myV - scale * gP[oidx] * (1 + clamp(-myPhi / phiO, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
// phiO >= 0.0
gV[oidx] = 0.0f; // in the air
// W
// Don't modify edges (z<mM.z-1)
if (float(DTid.z) < mM.z - 1.5f)
uint3 oidx = DTid + uint3(0, 0, 1);
float phiO = gPhi[oidx];
float myW = gW[oidx];
if (myPhi < 0.0)
if (phiO < 0.0)
gW[oidx] = myW - scale * (gP[oidx] - myP);
// phiO >= 0.0
gW[oidx] = myW + scale * myP * (1 + clamp(-phiO / myPhi, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
// myPhi >= 0.0
if (phiO < 0.0)
gW[oidx] = myW - scale * gP[oidx] * (1 + clamp(-myPhi / phiO, 0.0f, maxLSRatio));
// phiO >= 0.0
gW[oidx] = 0.0f; // in the air
// end