
what about...

Started by December 14, 2001 05:49 PM
14 comments, last by z-soft 23 years ago
Yea don''t let the crappy art stop you... I''ve let plenty of good games sit on my hard drive or worse yet get burned to cd for future work when I found an artist... boy am I stupid Just keep coding.

In an RTS that I was working on we had a tank that had a turret and was facing north... we copied it a few more times and then stuck big red letter over for East South West and went with it

Dak Lozar
Elysian Productions, Inc.
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous
quote: Original post by z-soft

1. Are you saying my graphics are crappy?

2. If you are, well, I''m only 14, and learned everything I know
on this stuff from experience, because I haven''t taken one class
on it, so I''ll try to do better

3. The walls need work, but I think the character looks fine,
and the trees will also be re-edited (I''m starting over on the
map and making new graphics databases.

1. To a lot of people they may be, but that doesn''t mean they
will detract at all from the game itself.

2. I never said you had to do better on the graphics. Focus on
gameplay and finishing first, touch up later.

3. Don''t spend too much time making this look good, no
one will give a hoot if it doesnt play good.


Drew Sikora
A.K.A. Gaiiden

ICQ #: 70449988
AOLIM: DarkPylat

Blade Edge Software
Staff Member, GDNet
Public Relations, Game Institute

3-time Contributing author, Game Design Methods , Charles River Media (coming GDC 2002)
Online column - Design Corner at Pixelate

IGDC - the International Game Developers Chat! [ #igdc]
NJ IGDA Chapter - NJ developers unite!! [Chapter Home | Chapter Forum]

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Ok. UI- The main commands are located on the left of the screen. As you can see, there are a large number of commands. To view your stats and items, you would click inventory at the bottom. All character text is displayed above their head, and all story text (such as re-caps on major events, and text that you examine) is placed in the story text box. All combat text, such as "Tharakus attackes the skeleton for 45 damage" or "Tharakus used a Blood potion" is displayed in combat text. TO move, you click the "move to" command icon, and click the destination, etc.

Gameplay- In my opinion, very addicting, like Diablo, and Baldur's Gate. Typical Hack and Slash, but with a very complex story like that of a console game. (to see story, visit my site)

Graphics- That screenshot is very old, taken about 3 weeks ago (a lot has changed since). I already added some more transparency to the bottom of the walls to look like grass is growing, and added some more color to the walls and trees to simulate more realism. I have also re-rendered all the burned building to about 50% more in size.

Engine- I am using a program called Explorations. It isn't very popular, but none the less, it is professional quality. The creator, Tyrone Lee, isn't selling it anymore after December 31st. Dont get it wrong, it isn't another RPG Toolkit or RPG Maker 2000, it is a full programming/map editor SDK, and most is done by scripts you program and databases you create.

Some people say "I consider it "cheating" using an already made engine", my responce is, if it does the work for you, and has everything YOU want, then I think it is fine. And, I have had experience in C++ and Java (not much, just genesis 3D and a little web applets I was playing around with).

The game isn't done, or doesn't have a demo out yet.

I hope this has answered all questions. When I get the bkg working, I will post an updated screenshot

Edited by - z-soft on December 16, 2001 4:03:29 PM
quote: Original post by z-soft
Some people say "I consider it "cheating" using an already made
engine", my responce is, if it does the work for you, and has
everything YOU want, then I think it is fine.

I agree. People these days are so into making their own 3D
engines when in reality they are all somewhat the same. It''s a
good feeling to be sure but is it really neccessary? Too many
people are into making engines rather than games I don''t
think so. Sorry for going off topic, just wanted to say that.


Drew Sikora
A.K.A. Gaiiden

ICQ #: 70449988
AOLIM: DarkPylat

Blade Edge Software
Staff Member, GDNet
Public Relations, Game Institute

3-time Contributing author, Game Design Methods , Charles River Media (coming GDC 2002)
Online column - Design Corner at Pixelate

IGDC - the International Game Developers Chat! [ #igdc]
NJ IGDA Chapter - NJ developers unite!! [Chapter Home | Chapter Forum]

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

I agree with the above. Good luck with your game z-soft!

Looks like Dink Smallwood...

Yes, it''s true,
there should be
a Java-Python-C++ language called Japyc
or (Jah-PIC)
---START GEEK CODE BLOCK---GCS/M/S dpu s:+ a---- C++ UL(+) P(++) L+(+) E--- W++ N+ o K w(--) !O !M !V PS- PE+Y+ PGP+ t 5 X-- R tv+ b+ DI+ D G e* h! r-- !x ---END GEEK CODE BLOCK---

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