I learned BBC BASIC with an emulator on my family Acorn Archimedes computer when I was 11.
Later I took computer studies in high school and learned a little bit more.
Then I failed computer science (c sharp, c++) at Uni and decided to focus on studying creative subjects.
Then I discovered Python and enjoyed it because it has so much in common with BASIC - no more line numbers tho
I finally recently picked up Javascript and I'm upto variable scope and closures 75pgs into my first Javascript textbook. I want to learn Javascript, RPG Maker MV, Liberty BASIC (for an e-course I'm developing on imagineering) and NESMaker for 2d protoyping. I also want to tinker with Twine and BBC Micro BASIC via windows emu - Beebem.
I've got the list of first games to code. I'm collaborating on a few creative projects - indie video games. I'm writing about 9 scripts for adventure indie video games and a twine. I've also started to design my first game - low on graphics and fx, sophisticated mechanics, no story.
anybody else out there just started diving deep into code for indie game dev?
anybody else had such a long onagain offagain relationship with learning to code?