
Learning new C++

Started by January 28, 2021 11:02 PM
2 comments, last by Shaarigan 4 years, 1 month ago

Lately I have been working with JavaScript and PHP. I also consider my C++ knowledge important for an internship. I think I need to learn version 17 and 20 skills. I like videos, what is recommended that would be ample? I don't need all the older, general C++. Among other interests, I like working on multiplayer and GUI.

Thank you,


Edit: Thinking about it, as far as C++ goes, I know mostly general C++. One of my C++ program used SFML and had a jumping character with platforms that scrolled.

Im not sure if it really matters if you are familiar with C++ in general or a specific version when it comes to applying for an internship.

However, in the case of learning new features my recommendation would be to learn about using the “move semantics” (C++11) and “if constexpr” statements (C++17).

For me these two had a good impact on my code in multiple ways, they helped me write simpler code that could achieve better performance and higher usability. They increased my understanding for how the language works and opened a few new doors so to say.

These two features will help you learn about how to tackle some problems with memory management and compile time programming. Granted these topics in themselves are really big, but these features help generate a better understanding for how things work and how to approach problems related to these fields.

Of course everyone has their own experience, this is just my take on what i believe to be two very helpful language-features.


From my experience as a game engine dev, there isn't much worth be using in the new standards. As someone said

For every new feature introduced in the C++ Standard, there are already a couple of well tested open source solutions on GitHub

I can agree for at least most of it. There might be some stuff you want to use from at least C++ 11 and constexpr as a compiler tweak is also useful too, but anything else from lambdas to async/ await is just ok if you want to play around with it but I don't see a real use for it, especially in high performance code. If I don't have to write high performance code, I use C# and .NET 5 anyways so this is no argument for me

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