Given that you want these forces to be constant, and you don't seem to be calculating drag, this is very easy! (no offense) All of the components of your problem can be calculated independently (same as any projectile) then superposed (just added) to give the final answer. Specially if you say your initial velocity is (vx, vy, vz), and your accelerations are (ax, ay, az). A particle in one dimension experiencing constant acceleration can be found by integrating (don't worry if that sounds hard, I'll do it explicitly) the velocity function with respect to time. You can ask Wolfram Alpha, but I'll just tell you here
v = a t + v0, Implies p = ½ a t^2 + v0 t + x0.
Now you can calculate flight time by z's equation (assuming you're starting at the origin)
z = ½ az t^2 + vz t + 0 = 0, Implies t (initial)= 0 or t(impact) = = - 2 vz / az.
Now substitute that value for t into x's and y's equations
x(impact) = ½ ax (t (impact))^2 + vx t(impact).
vx = x(impact) / t(impact) - ½ ax * t(impact).
Expand this (and the condition on vy) in terms of a and e. These give you two conditions on a and e in terms of px, py, Wx, Wy, g, and v. Use inverse trig to find a and e!
I considered v to be fixed since that seemed to be your question. Given this there is no guarantee of a solution, since you'll have some maximum range. This is actually pretty hard to consider in your problem since it isn't just a circle around the target, but skewed by Wx and Wy. The best way that I can think of estimating this is either calculating your range directly into the wind (using the same calculation as above) and using that as the radius of your circle, or guessing that 45 degrees elevation is the optimal firing angle and seeing whether you can overshoot your target.