i am using Visual Studio Community Version 2019 with HLSL tools extension for shader editing.
Lets consider the following situation.
// definition of a global used structure
Source File A: structure_def.inc struct Global_used_structure
float a;
float b;
// B is using it
Source File B: B_using_structure_A.fx
include "structure_def.inc"
Global_used_structure my_point ;
// C is using it
Source File C: C_using_structure_A.fx
include "structure_def.inc"
Global_used_structure my_other_point ;
// D is using it
Source File D: problem_file.fx
include "structure_def.inc"
include “B_using_structure_A.fx”
include “C_using_structure_A.fx”Global_used_structure my_new_point ;
here i will get error of redefinition of structure because it is included several times.
OK i can change
// definition of a global used structure
Source File A: structure_def.inc #ifndef Global_used_structure_H
#def Global_used_structure
struct Global_used_structure
float a;
float b;
But the problem is that i loose every code sensitive functions e.g. goto definitions and the HLSL tool will show me much errors in the code.
How to solve this.