
Book on sequential impulses engine

Started by January 06, 2021 01:51 AM
5 comments, last by richardwhite22 3 years, 3 months ago

Is there a book that goes through how to build a simple sequential impulse engine? I know there's Catto's slides and Box2D (and Box2D lite) implementation, but I was wondering if there's an actual book that goes in more detail and guides you through.

Do you know of any game physics book that cover this? All I could find are books that use way more naive methods and are quite old. Note: I'm not looking for a physics book, I would like it still to be geared towards game devs with basic math and physics.

Sequential Impulse is a more elegant and intuitive implementation of the Projected Gauss Seidel (PGS). if you understand the (PGS) you will understand the (SI). books on Impulse Sequential may not exist. but there are many articles that talk about PGS.


soon I will update it with more documentation and with (NGS) non-linear gauss seidel

Thanks, I know about the equivalence of the two methods but still had a hard time finding anything that actually goes in detail. Any suggestions?

@undefined Exploring MLCP solvers and Featherstone (Erwin coumans) , Iterative Rigid body solvers (Richard Tonge), Numerical Methods for Linear Complementarity Problems in Physics-based Animation (Kenny Erleben) and Physics-Based Animation (Kenny Erleben, Jon Sporring and Knud Henriksen). Etc.

Ready Updated


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