Hi everyone,
I’m new to the community and gaming development in general. I apologize for a slightly lengthy post, but I have a question about how to get a project going through open-source channels. Just a quick background on who I am/the project:
I’m part of a small team from an MBA program that is starting an educational gaming platform in response to the educational problems presented by COVID. We won a contest hosted by the school and got some small seed money to get it up and running, but that evaporated quickly after hiring someone from Fiverr to create a demo. We kicked the can down the road a bit, but we still think this is something that schools could integrate, even when COVID is past.
The goal of our creation is to encourage collaboration and an innovative learning model for Grades K-5 while socially isolated. In its full form, the platform will be a community where classmates will work together to solve problems, complete tasks, and build on the curriculum offered in the classroom. We want the world to be something like an RPG meets a sandbox environment. Students will earn points and be able to buy special items for their character, build their own schoolhouse together, etc.
While we have founded and established the company, none of us are game developers or know the first thing about it. We hired someone to make a short, playable demo, but the money dried up pretty quickly, so we’re looking for partners who can make our vision a reality. We know we need much, much more to generate excitement and to build partnerships with schools while simultaneously getting kids and families interested in the platform. Basically, no school will be interested without a beefier version of the game.
We know this might be a long-shot, but does anyone have any advice on how to connect with developers and how to get a longer, playable version of this game made through the open-source community? As I mentioned, we have some files that we own from when we paid someone on Fiverr to create our short demo if that would help. We have connections who are committed to server space, hosting, etc. once there’s an actual game and schools on board, so any advice would be appreciated.
Thanks, and I look forward to the responses!