Hi everyone,
dear beginner ?
1/ where did u find this tutorial ?
2/ u should move these out of the Render ( ) function :
orangecoding said:
HRESULT hResult = FW1CreateFactory(FW1_VERSION, &pFW1Factory);hResult = pFW1Factory->CreateFontWrapper(g_pd3dDevice, L"roatingcube", &pFontWrapper);
move them to your initdevice( ) at the end of it… for example.
look at tutorial 14 here (and the others, it has good tutes in there):
all the best ?
found this at github: https://github.com/mindaptiv/Hello-Cube-Windows/tree/master/Tutorial04
orangecoding said:
however moving those lines to initDevice() does not solve my problems..
correct, it was not going to solve your problem, i asked u to move it because you were recreating the font object on every render call; no need ?
orangecoding said:
I will take a look at the tutorial that you provided!