
What is a good default size for the sprite and line batch?

Started by December 21, 2020 10:57 PM
2 comments, last by Alundra 4 years, 2 months ago

Hello everybody!

Sprite and Line batch is a very common way to send all in one draw call.
The question is what is the good size for the batch knowing each sprite uses 4 vertices so 6 indices and line 2 vertices.

For example 512 sprites would result to 2048 vertices and 3072 indices by batch.
For the line 512 lines would result to 1024 vertices.

What is the recommended good size for sprite and line batch?

Alundra said:
What is the recommended good size for sprite and line batch?

the recommended size is the size that doesn't kill your FPS, u need to test it for yourself ?


Ah yes, surely there is no magic number and depending on the platform different numbers are needed. I was just wondering if by experience some default numbers were found which basically a question of how much vertices/indices by draw call should be taken as a limit to keep a scalable performance.

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