
help with aspect ratio

Started by October 16, 2020 02:25 PM
0 comments, last by Sylon87 4 years, 4 months ago


i'm using unity and the following script on my camera to have a fixed aspect ratio

using UnityEngine;


public class CameraCrop : MonoBehaviour {

// Set this to your target aspect ratio, eg. (16, 9) or (4, 3).

public Vector2 targetAspect = new Vector2(16, 9);

Camera _camera;

void Start () {

_camera = GetComponent<Camera>();



// Call this method if your window size or target aspect change.

public void UpdateCrop() {

// Determine ratios of screen/window & target, respectively.

float screenRatio = Screen.width / (float)Screen.height;

float targetRatio = targetAspect.x / targetAspect.y;

if(Mathf.Approximately(screenRatio, targetRatio)) {

// Screen or window is the target aspect ratio: use the whole area.

_camera.rect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1);


else if(screenRatio > targetRatio) {

// Screen or window is wider than the target: pillarbox.

float normalizedWidth = targetRatio / screenRatio;

float barThickness = (1f - normalizedWidth)/2f;

_camera.rect = new Rect(barThickness, 0, normalizedWidth, 1);


else {

// Screen or window is narrower than the target: letterbox.

float normalizedHeight = screenRatio / targetRatio;

float barThickness = (1f - normalizedHeight) / 2f;

_camera.rect = new Rect(0, barThickness, 1, normalizedHeight);




well, the field camera is going weel but i ahev some issues with my ui camera where i need to resize a SpriteRenderer background to fit the entire camera viewport, to do this i'm using the following function

void ResizeSpriteToScreen()


SpriteRenderer sr = sprite.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();

sprite.transform.position = _myCamera.transform.position + Vector3.forward * sr.transform.position.z;

sprite.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

Vector3 lossyScale = sprite.transform.lossyScale;

float width = sr.sprite.bounds.size.x;

float height = sr.sprite.bounds.size.y;

float worldScreenHeight = _myCamera.orthographicSize * 2f;

float worldScreenWidth = worldScreenHeight / Screen.height * Screen.width;

Vector3 xWidth = sprite.transform.localScale;

xWidth.x = worldScreenWidth / width;

sprite.transform.localScale = xWidth;

//transform.localScale.x = worldScreenWidth / width;

Vector3 yHeight = sprite.transform.localScale;

yHeight.y = worldScreenHeight / height;

sprite.transform.localScale = yHeight;

Vector3 newLocalScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x / lossyScale.x,

sprite.transform.localScale.y / lossyScale.y,

sprite.transform.localScale.z / lossyScale.z


sprite.transform.localScale = newLocalScale;


before the CameraCrop component was working well to resize my Sprite, but now i got a sprite resized to stay inside the black bar on 4:3 for example.. i need to have my spriterender resized properly to fit the entire screen in any aspect ratio that i will set, anyone can help me to figure out how to do this?

thank's in advance

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