
SetCooperativeLevel INVALID_PARAMS

Started by January 26, 2000 09:56 PM
1 comment, last by eilenbeb 25 years, 1 month ago
bad place for a hangup. i am set up like this: LPDIRECTRAW4 lpDD LPDIRECTRAW4 DDtemp IDirectDrawCreate null,&DDtemp,null (works fine) IUnknown_QueryInterface DDtemp,&IID_IDirectDraw4,&lpDD (works fine) IDirectDraw4_SetCooperativeLevel lpDD,hwnd,flags setcooperativelevel works with flags == NORMAL. returns INAVLID_PARAMS. ANYBODY HAVE ANY IDEAS?
isntead of NORMAL use DDSCL_NORMAL )

It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
sorry, my previous post lost a few lines / words.
i am using the proper flags (DDSCL_)
i don''t know why it won''t set exclusive / fullscreen.
it accepts normal just fine, but then it acts like
exclusive and fullscreen are unrecognised.
they''re both properly defined, straight out of the dxsdk.
normal is the only ddscl flag that causes DD_OK o be returned.

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