Is there a support function for the cone? I found support function for sphere, box, cylinder, but couldn't find one for cone.
Is there a support function for the cone? I found support function for sphere, box, cylinder, but couldn't find one for cone.
m_SideLng = Math::Sqrt( m_Radius*m_Radius + m_Height*m_Height );
m_SinA = m_Radius / m_SideLng;
m_CosA = m_Height / m_SideLng;
m_R2Hcoef = m_Radius / m_Height;
m_SideDot = m_CosA * m_R2Hcoef;
m_P0 ........ center of base
m_P1 ........ top spike
m_Axis[3] ... x,y,z axis
C_Vector3 C_ShapeCone :: GetSupportPoint( C_Vector3 const & dir ) const
const float dy = dir.Dot( m_Axis[1] );
if( dy >= m_SideDot )
return m_P1;
if( dy <= -0.999995f )
return m_P0;
const float dx = dir.Dot( m_Axis[0] );
const float dz = dir.Dot( m_Axis[2] );
const float r = m_Radius / Math::Sqrt( dx * dx + dz * dz );
return m_P0 + ( dx * r ) * m_Axis[0] + ( dz * r ) * m_Axis[2];