I am making the classic tic tac toe game using c++ using vectors. I am working on the computer player doing the O's and the human player doing the X's. I am storing the X's and O's in a vector. I am comparing the columns and rows of the X's and O's in the vector and when they are equal I want the O to be drawn in another column and row not the one drawn in the X space.
int main()
vector<int> o_row;
vector<int> o_col;
vector<int> x_row;
vector<int> x_col;
TicTacToe game;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
cout << "Enter player X row (0-2): ";
cin >> row_x;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter player X col (0-2): ";
cin >> col_x;
cout << endl;
game.player_X(row_x, col_x);
row_o = rand() % 2 + 0;
col_o = rand() % 2 + 0;
cout << o_row[i] << endl;
cout << o_col[i] << endl;
if (x_row[i] == o_row[i] && x_col[i] == o_col[i])
cout << "Enter player X row (0-2): ";
cin >> row_x;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter player X col (0-2): ";
cin >> col_x;
cout << endl;
game.player_O(row_o, col_o);