
? on Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus

Started by January 26, 2000 09:28 PM
2 comments, last by Ray745 24 years, 8 months ago
Will this book really show me everything i need to know to make a game? I am already very familiar with C++ but mainly only in text mode, will this book show me how to use direct x and such and show me step by step what i need to do to make a game, not a complex game but a game like space invaders or a simple side scroller. I would really appreciate any thoughts or experiences with this thanks If I only had a nickle for every problem I''ve had, I wouldn''t have anymore problems, but then I guess I wouldn''t have anymore nickles either...
If I only had a nickle for every problem I''ve had, I wouldn''t have anymore problems, but then I guess I wouldn''t have anymore nickles either...
I thought this book was really good. It starts with a reasonable overview of Win32 programming, talks you through DirectDraw, DirectSound and DirectMusic, and then covers some generic topics such as AI and physics. Its pretty well written, although LaMothe''s style seems to grate on some people''s nerves (not mine, it must be said - I really like his writing style). The CD includes a decent Direct3D tutorial as well as a widely available series explaining general 3D principles. So yes, if you already have a fairly good grasp of C/C++, this is a great book.

The only downside is that the engine he creates is slow and clunky. It is, however, a good model to start with - with work (and some time spend implementing classes of your own), you can turn it into something pretty impressive.
OKay i think this is a great book, but one question where is this engine he builds i have yet to see it in the book?
It''s a great book, and I actually like LaMothe''s writing style. It''s a programming book I actually enjoy reading. It''s not dry and boring like most programming books. He does add quite a bit of humor, and he tells a few stories every now and then, but it makes the material more interesting. If you''re annoyed by his style then you probably shouldn''t be trying to develop something as creative as a game... you should write a word processor instead. The point is this book should appeal to most human programmers (if there is such a being ). It gets technical enough to teach you everything you need to know, but it doesn''t put you to sleep.

There are 3 game engine libraries that he describes in the book and they can be found on the CD. One is for graphics (DirectDraw), one is for sound and music (DirectSound and DirectMusic), and the other is for input (DirectInput). Some parts of the graphics engine are a bit slow, but they''re written very cleanly so it''s easy to optimize for whatever you''re trying to do (like converting the Blt''s to BltFast''s... you''ll know what I mean once you read the book!). Just buy the book! You won''t regret it.

Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.

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